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SWTOR has "Failed" ~ Just looking for evidence.


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A question for those pointing at the upcoming 3rd quarter financials for "proof" to come, however. As a Decemberist married to a guy who bought his digital copy New Year's Eve, how will 3rd quarter numbers tell you much about a 4th quarter release? If anything, I'd argue that the 1st quarter 2012 numbers would be more telling than how many die-hard fans ordered three months before release.


You are correct. Impact won't be in the actual numbers. What will come out of the analyst call is guidance on subs, retention, etc. That will be telling.

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I read thru this link.


Every single server currently running on SWTOR on the US region has a steady decending in population. Yes most of them has monthly population going like \



Well, I'm a fan of the game and have yet to tell anyone to f... um, get lost. Have no plan to either - that's not how our core community rolls. Unsure exactly what a wowbad is, but I'm guessing it will make a guest appearance in the urban dictionary someday. Links to these population sites (good or bad), much like defamatory doom and gloom rants, mean nothing to the player who is enjoying the game. If that's ok with you of course. ;) Edited by GalacticKegger
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we went back to other games waiting for gw2 to come out. other games as in acon, sto, dco, fallen earth, eve, wow and rift. all seem to be better than this game. in swtor i have 4 level 50 toons and did the raids and hm flashpoints the game just doesint have much to it. the storys are not that good. pvp is a joke and that was a big thing for us. but thank you for letting me know how you feel ill bring it up at the next stock holders meeting.


It's hilarious to me that you throw sarcasm at "care" from another person concerning your situation. Yet you ASK for care simply by posting here.


If you want nothing from here, why do you stay?

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These threads make me giggle. Never have I seen so much baseless hate for a game since MMOs began with Ultima Online and even then there was not this much vitriolic rhetoric towards a game.


So many claiming that it is a failure. That the game had the worst launch in mmo history. Yet I have seen no basis for any of these claims because I played every major mmo launch and I can compare it to every single one and this is one of the smoothest I have been in.




Yes. You're right.


People spamming the forum on launch day with angry, frustrated and rage post isn't evident enough to say it was the worse launch. Let's just ignore the polarization of the community too.


Perhaps, you should list the MMOs you have played that had a worse launch than this.

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Honestly, no one who actually moved on from this game would still be posting doomsday on the forums. Either they are trolls, people looking for attention, wow paid employees, or whiners who have too much time on their hands. Anyone who actually unsubed for not liking the game a) cannot post here (trust, my card got messed up and for an hour i didnt have a sub, I instantly couldnt forum post), and b) wouldnt care enough to post here.


Or could be people that have unsubbed and still have some time left and would like SOME kind of entertainment for the money spent...certainly didn't get it from the game lol

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I'm not sure where you're considering this as a "fighting" topic, nor the need for me to consider when posting comments. There's no indication in my post that suggest I'm not aware there is a need for endgame content. The issue is how quickly can end game content be applied and available.


As it stands, there is end game content. Whether people like the available content or not is another story. But it's also clear that more content will be available.


My point was just stating there in many MMO's that I've played, at its inception, there was hardly any end game content, if compared to the big raids that are NOW available in MMO's that have been going on for years.


It's been two months, and I think a lot of people are drawing their conclusions that the majority are 50, therefore the majority are lacking enough end game content.


Well, I argue that isn't true considering how people are complaining that lvl 50 brackets have way longer WZ queues. If there were truly a saturation of 50s, that 50 bracket queue should pop sooner.


There is still much to be seen. It's up to people whether they choose to stick around for it.


Fight was a bad word.

Im still a little sticky, sore, and confused over my operative nerf. But, at any rate, I dont disagree with anything you've just said. The majority of our guild right now is not fifty. They are almost there, but not quite. And for the most part, there is plenty to do at fifty, provided you have a group of people at max level to do things with.


As far as amount of content released.

Im consistently amazed that people complain about lack of content when they just released a content patch within the first month, and have another lined up for in march. That amazment is further compounded by a small, vocal group of peoples attitudes towards this game.


I have come to one conclusion.


It doesnt matter what game ever comes out. They will never be satisfied. Their expectations are so far into right field, and so ridiculously unrealistic that no game could ever hope to meet them.


In which case, I simply hope their sub runs out and they torture someone else.




Lets "fight" about something else now.

How about.... waffles?


You go first.

Edited by pairadox
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I love these threads. No one knows how big a server is. No one knows what the subscription rate looks like. If you want to judge, go to your server and type /who. Even that only shows so many ppl. I started on a light server the day after release. I didn't want to get stuck in a queue. Like all other games they are going to release too many servers from day one to try and make sure everyone gets to play. My server is usually standard in the afternoons light at other times. I can log onto my lvl 50 and go to Ilum and be the only one there....then again I can log on to another toon be in Corusant and see 178 people there. If the game is dying then why are thier so many low levels playing the game? Edited by bordendl
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only proof needed, are the bugs that could be simply taken care of in a hotfix, but arent and they are still rampant in certain operations and im sure will be rampant in new ops.


gg biofail, stick to what you know rpgs. mmos arent your thing, that and you should have known better than to have EA help.


nuff said

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Or could be people that have unsubbed and still have some time left and would like SOME kind of entertainment for the money spent...certainly didn't get it from the game lol


Pretty sad that the best thing you can think of outside of SWTOR is spending your time on a forum.


Tell me, if you're so unfavored, why is it you can't find a better game to play. These forums entertain you more than EVERY other game besides TOR? (which apparently doesn't at all)


I think someone is fibbing.

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.then again I can log on to another toon be in Corusant and see 178 people there. If the game is dying then why are thier so many low levels playing the game?


One reason is the amount of alt creation. Some are turning to alts to have something to do once they hit 50 on another character.

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only proof needed, are the bugs that could be simply taken care of in a hotfix, but arent and they are still rampant in certain operations and im sure will be rampant in new ops.


gg biofail, stick to what you know rpgs. mmos arent your thing, that and you should have known better than to have EA help.


nuff said




hot fix bugs eh?


Do you realize that with your knowledge you could be making millions at Bioware?


What are you doing! Get down there!


Tell em whats up!

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One reason is the amount of alt creation. Some are turning to alts to have something to do once they hit 50 on another character.


Exaclty.....so if people are leveling alts, how is it dying? Or on the other hand if new people are joining, same question.

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Yes. You're right.


People spamming the forum on launch day with angry, frustrated and rage post isn't evident enough to say it was the worse launch. Let's just ignore the polarization of the community too.


Perhaps, you should list the MMOs you have played that had a worse launch than this.


Best launch I have been a part of. I was present for WoW, CoH, EQ2 and DDO.

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hot fix bugs eh?


Do you realize that with your knowledge you could be making millions at Bioware?


What are you doing! Get down there!


Tell em whats up!


ii know your secret djsmileey, you were hired by bioware to troll on those who have anything negative to say about the game.




also, why couldnt they hotfix bugs. unless they system/engine they are using to run the game is so terrible it takes months to fix one thing lol.

Edited by hunix
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Pretty sad that the best thing you can think of outside of SWTOR is spending your time on a forum.


Tell me, if you're so unfavored, why is it you can't find a better game to play. These forums entertain you more than EVERY other game besides TOR? (which apparently doesn't at all)


I think someone is fibbing.


I am playing a better game game: EQII - but I still come over here to have fun when I'm not able to sign in.


That ok wit you Gumby? :)

Edited by Grandpappy
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Seen quite a few people say how "SWTOR is failing" or something along those lines.


Just wondering where they are getting the "evidence" behind these claims.


I don't understand how anyone can take those people seriously when Bioware doesn't release subscriptions numbers...and almost all of the player-tracking tools are very far from accurate.


I'm just baffled that this many people can confidently write a post saying "Well its obvious SWTOR is a failure"


*Shakes head*


Did I miss some news article that release subscription numbers of people on their second month compared to the number of people that purchased the game?


SWTOR did fail, becase long term high end guilds are quitting this game or will be soon if not yet. I know this because I follow this on MMO Champion/Youtube/Social Media, l2research internets.


This game has failed to deliver BIG TIME. It will stick around as a casual / epeener's game, because that's what it is. 10x easier than WoW, but Star Wars.

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You are asking me like I cannot mention any games that had launches that were far worse. I find that even more amusing then this thread. Now let's see. This list is in no particular order.


Ultima Online - was the first mmo so cannot really compare but servers crashed so much and there were so many exploits to get to GM in all skills - Stuck with this one for 3 years


Everquest - servers crashed countless times and getting on server week of launch was almost impossible - Stuck with this game for 2 years


Everquest 2 - servers also crashed but not as bad as EQ 1 and classes were broken


Shadowbane - servers crashed over and over and every class was imbalanced as well as broken and seiege warfare was broken - stuck with this game for a year but the bugs, quests and glitches had not even been fixed by then. Some had but most had not.


World of Warcraft - skills were broken, classes were unfinished, BGs were scrapped before launch, servers crashed, roll backs, character was stuck in place for 2 days, had to reroll before that was fixed and hundreds of other glitches, bugs and there was also numerous exploits in the game at launch that could be used to attain very unfair advantages. One of teh reasons there was a roll back. I played for 8 months and then I quit. Came back several times but the game was not much fun and played only a few months each time before quitting. But WoW did do some things right.


Rift - servers also crashed, game play was stagnant and quests were broken, unfinished and not fun, classes were very unbalanced


Guild Wars - servers also crashed, classes were not balanced and a lot of quests and end game were not finished or broke, but overall it was not that bad of a launch and I enjoyed this game


Runes of Magic - servers crashed and the classes were also unbalanced, alot of quests were unfinished and the end game was also not finished as well but leveling in this game was much slower and compared more to WoWs so they had time to finish some of it


Lineage II - servers crashed numberous times and there are way to many bugs to mention


Anarachy Online - This was a fun game and very different but it was also plagued with server crashes and was very unbalanced and had many unfinished quests and also unfinished end game and was tons of exploits


Now you will notice quite a few patterns in there. In each of those games I mentioned there was server failures on the day of launch and also quite often during the whole week or weeks of launch. This is typical in just about every MMO and I am quite forgiving of it because of all the stress the servers are put through during a launch. But Bioware and EA prepared for this and let us join in waves during pre-release so they could scale the servers accordingly which worked out brilliantly because the servers did not crash once during pre-release and also did not crash for the actual release. That is a testament to the strength of their servers and also to the forethought of Bioware.


Now one thing Bioware had incommon with the rest of the MMOs is bugs and glitches and also some exploits. This is to be expected because every MMO I have played has had them at launch and one cannot test for every foreseeable bug and or glitch because you have to have hundreds of thousands of players online simultaneously to find them all.


Then I come to PVP and also class balance. Every MMO I have ever played has had balance issues between classes which also carries into PVP if they have it. I will not delve to far into this because it is inherent in MMOs and it is the nature of the beast. But to me this game has far more balance between classes then WoW, EQ, Rift and so on.


Last I come to end game. Some of the games I mentioned earlier had little to no end game content and some had pretty much the same of comparable end game content at launch, WoW for example. Now is that to say TORs endgame is complete or perfect. Far from it and there are many things I want to see them add and implement. But to say there is no END GAME is a falsehood and I do not see any logic in it.


To me it seems like so many people just want TOR to fail and have wanted it to fail since it was announced that it was in development. They are fanbois of the competeting MMOs and they do not want to see another MMO do just as good or perhaps even better then their beloved game. But honestly I believe it is flattering and I usually notice that the more people that are hating on something the better it tends to be.


I look forward to hearing your reply and seeing how you will show me that TORs launch was worse in comparison to all of the MMOs I mentioned.

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Evidence? Its everywhere? Play the game. Half the time I see people **** talkin the game in general chat. And a lot of servers already feel dead. Half the threads on this site are compliants. Can't tell you how many times I've read that people are unsubscribing. Feedback is all the proof needed, and there's wayyy more negative then postive hands down. Agree?


so when u say other servers feel dead ,u mean u hop servers alot, making 50's like the tor boss you are, i mean u get her facts from Gen chat, seems legit...

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You are asking me like I cannot mention any games that had launches that were far worse. I find that even more amusing then this thread. Now let's see. This list is in no particular order.


Ultima Online - was the first mmo so cannot really compare but servers crashed so much and there were so many exploits to get to GM in all skills - Stuck with this one for 3 years


Everquest - servers crashed countless times and getting on server week of launch was almost impossible - Stuck with this game for 2 years


Everquest 2 - servers also crashed but not as bad as EQ 1 and classes were broken


Shadowbane - servers crashed over and over and every class was imbalanced as well as broken and seiege warfare was broken - stuck with this game for a year but the bugs, quests and glitches had not even been fixed by then. Some had but most had not.


World of Warcraft - skills were broken, classes were unfinished, BGs were scrapped before launch, servers crashed, roll backs, character was stuck in place for 2 days, had to reroll before that was fixed and hundreds of other glitches, bugs and there was also numerous exploits in the game at launch that could be used to attain very unfair advantages. One of teh reasons there was a roll back. I played for 8 months and then I quit. Came back several times but the game was not much fun and played only a few months each time before quitting. But WoW did do some things right.


Rift - servers also crashed, game play was stagnant and quests were broken, unfinished and not fun, classes were very unbalanced


Guild Wars - servers also crashed, classes were not balanced and a lot of quests and end game were not finished or broke, but overall it was not that bad of a launch and I enjoyed this game


Runes of Magic - servers crashed and the classes were also unbalanced, alot of quests were unfinished and the end game was also not finished as well but leveling in this game was much slower and compared more to WoWs so they had time to finish some of it


Lineage II - servers crashed numberous times and there are way to many bugs to mention


Anarachy Online - This was a fun game and very different but it was also plagued with server crashes and was very unbalanced and had many unfinished quests and also unfinished end game and was tons of exploits


Now you will notice quite a few patterns in there. In each of those games I mentioned there was server failures on the day of launch and also quite often during the whole week or weeks of launch. This is typical in just about every MMO and I am quite forgiving of it because of all the stress the servers are put through during a launch. But Bioware and EA prepared for this and let us join in waves during pre-release so they could scale the servers accordingly which worked out brilliantly because the servers did not crash once during pre-release and also did not crash for the actual release. That is a testament to the strength of their servers and also to the forethought of Bioware.


Now one thing Bioware had incommon with the rest of the MMOs is bugs and glitches and also some exploits. This is to be expected because every MMO I have played has had them at launch and one cannot test for every foreseeable bug and or glitch because you have to have hundreds of thousands of players online simultaneously to find them all.


Then I come to PVP and also class balance. Every MMO I have ever played has had balance issues between classes which also carries into PVP if they have it. I will not delve to far into this because it is inherent in MMOs and it is the nature of the beast. But to me this game has far more balance between classes then WoW, EQ, Rift and so on.


Last I come to end game. Some of the games I mentioned earlier had little to no end game content and some had pretty much the same of comparable end game content at launch, WoW for example. Now is that to say TORs endgame is complete or perfect. Far from it and there are many things I want to see them add and implement. But to say there is no END GAME is a falsehood and I do not see any logic in it.


To me it seems like so many people just want TOR to fail and have wanted it to fail since it was announced that it was in development. They are fanbois of the competeting MMOs and they do not want to see another MMO do just as good or perhaps even better then their beloved game. But honestly I believe it is flattering and I usually notice that the more people that are hating on something the better it tends to be.


I look forward to hearing your reply and seeing how you will show me that TORs launch was worse in comparison to all of the MMOs I mentioned.


Oh the launch was great, but it's like the launch of an exotic sailboat - everyone's excited and the boat sails beautifully out of the harbor...and then the wind dies :)

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Its not that the launch was worse. Its just that today's market is different and the appetite for medicority isn't what it used to be. SWTOR fails because its a crappy copy of something people are sick of already. Plain and simple.


Hundreds of thousands, if not over a million, disagree with you.

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Its not that the launch was worse. Its just that today's market is different and the appetite for medicority isn't what it used to be. SWTOR fails because its a crappy copy of something people are sick of already. Plain and simple.


how can u say that with a straight face, RECORD BREAKING SUB NUMBERS AND STILL HOLDING TO THAT, that's fact, your just a negative Nancy, tor is a great game, bioware is a great company, just because u suck and tor doesn't spoon feed you like blizzard does, gives u no right to say any of that

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so when u say other servers feel dead ,u mean u hop servers alot, making 50's like the tor boss you are, i mean u get her facts from Gen chat, seems legit...


Well according to BW they based the Biochem changes on 'chat logs'. So seems like BW is also getting 'facts' from General.

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