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Combat Forms vs Classes in SWTOR


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Some questions about the classes in SWTOR vs the obvious counterparts in movies/books/canon... But first a few given items of note:


-Anakin is seen dual wielding light sabers in both Episodes 1 & 2

-Anakin & Luke are masters of the Shien Combat Form

-Mace is a master of Juyo

-Yoda is a master of Ataru


1. Why is it that Sentinels MUST dual wield to be worth anything, when both Yoda and Mace are obviously very good at what they do, yet NEVER use dual wielding at all?


2. Why were sentinels given dual-wielding when the only person who is ever seen wielding two sabers at one time is a master of the Shien Form (a Guardian form in SWTOR)?


3. Wouldn't that mean Guardians should be able to dual wield?


4. Shouldn't Shien Guardians be able to reflect blaster shots back at the people firing them?


I have other questions, but for now...


My suggestions are simple. Make the Soresu Form tree for Guardians all about Single Saber, Make the Shien Style have a talent block for Dual Wield (but not necessary), and the Shii-Cho have a block allowing Double-Blade Saber; For Sentinels, have the same order, Juyo focus on Single Saber, Ataru have the dual wield block (but not necessary for the abilities to work), and Shii-Cho have the same block for Double-bladed (but not necessary yet again)


This would allow Jedi/Sith to pick which form they like the most, and also pick which style (single, dual, double) without impacting their choices for class. I know a lot of people who have said they would love the sentinel a lot more if they could go the classic route (originally the ONLY route according to Lucas) of one saber. (originally was said no Jedi could dual wield or have a double since the amount of focus and force attunement to do so, was beyond anyone, even Vader and Luke)...


And I also know a lot of people who aren't playing Shadows simply because they literally hate the double bladed saber look, I do not know or have suggestions for this, but it adds into the discussion that a simple cosmetic issue of what weapon is being used, can drive a lot of people into playing classes they end up hating, which leads to them quitting the game eventually, because they SHOULD be playing Guardian (but hate not dual wielding, or love the double-bladed), or should be playing Sentinel (but despise dual wielding, etc)


So, just curious why BW made those decisions, and if it would be possible to make those changes and keep things balance? Another option that was given to me by a few people, was to add an option in preferences that turned on/off "Classic" appearance. "Classic" appearance would turn whatever weapon set you had into an appearance of only a single saber (either your prime hand or one blade of the double blade)... while this could work, it would add "deceptive" appearances that could alter decisions made on a split second in PVP...


Any ideas??

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Oh boy, another one of these threads.


You're confusing lore and game mechanics. To capture the many intricacies of lightsaber combat forms is an enormous endeavour. One of which you could, essentially, make an entire game. BioWare, abstracted and simplified it, because if they hadn't the result would be a giant hydra of a game to balance, where if you fix one issue, at least two more arise (I've done some indie gamedesign so I have experienced this on a much smaller scale).


The mechanics of a game never fit its lore. Not even when the game is the prime source like it is with WoW, for example. You can hardly expect BioWare to be perfect lorewise, the collection of lore in StarWars is simply too vast.

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Anakin is a Shien specialist.


Dual-wielding is Jar'Kai, which stems from Niman, not Shien.


Remember how quickly Anakin got his *** kicked when he had two sabers. He didn't know how to wield them together properly.


Actually, Anakin was beat because he was fighting a person who had focused entirely on an ancient form (form II) which was developed back when there were only melee weapons, but anyone who picks it now is considered an idiot because blasters exist and not many saber fights happen when the Sith are supposedly extinct by time of the prequels. Dooku focused on that form, and it was hands down the most effective saber vs saber style, but had no use at all in defending vs blasters or trying to bridge the gap between where you are and where you are being shot at, etc... In that fight, Anakin was bound to lose.


He only beat Dooku in the last movie through assistance from Palpatine, and practicing/learning how to use his strength in the force better (which dwarfs Dooku's strength)


As for Dual-Wielding being from Jar'Kai, I agree... and Jar'Kai is from Nimen, which I also agree... but Nimen is the 6th form, designed and developed as a mix between forms IV and V (Ataru and Shien)... Which means, since Nimen is not in the game, but both Shien AND Ataru are in the game... that those trees should have the ability to dual wield if anyone does... And like I said, those trees happen to both be the Second trees (Shien-Guardian, Ataru-Sentinel)...

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2. Why were sentinels given dual-wielding when the only person who is ever seen wielding two sabers at one time is a master of the Shien Form (a Guardian form in SWTOR)?


Watch the battle in EP 2 with the huge mob of Jedi. There's some dual-wielding in the background.

Edited by Verrell
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