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[Unofficial] Day 3 Invite Waves


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With great respect to those who wonder why they do not let everyone in at once when they know the servers can take the stress there is a small item you are missing when you build your assumptions and axioms.


There is a difference between the load put on servers during log in and when a player is simply streaming (playing). The log in load with authentications and other such items stack onto the usual streaming load. It is folly to have everyone logging in at once.


Additionally they have been phasing in more servers throughout the process of log in waves. This further lessens the loads seen by their hardware.


"Why don't they make the servers able to handle all the log ins at once?"


The answer is two fold: Practicality and Cost. There should be only two times that we see such a large log in load. Now, and Launch Date. The system is set to handle launch date, and they anticipate a very different log in/loading curve for launch than they do for the pre-order entry. Otherwise never again is it likely we will see prime time launching. This feeds into the second reason: Cost. To keep us from having to pay more money to play decisions had to be made to keep costs down. So they didn't spend money on a system that would only be used twice. They spent the money to have a stable system that is used north of 99% of the time.


"How much more cost are we actually talking about?"


The expense curve is exponential. As it is Bioware is likely running at a loss to accommodate us.


I hope this helps you all. I look forward to seeing many of you in the virtual world soon. :)

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