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Make 10-49 pvp into 10-50 "Stock Class" pvp.


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There are 2 very large issues regarding pvp:


1. the 10-49 bracket does not prepare players well for the gear race that is level 50 pvp.


2. Once you hit 50 you are suddenly cut off from playing along side a large chunk of your friends.



I suggest introducing a blue level 50 (just like the level 40 pvp blue set) complete pvp set on par with crafting blues and no expertise that when you put on (with no other gear allowed) and be allowed into the 10-50 "stock" bracket.


This solves both issues above. You gain further time to build up more competitive gear for level 50 pvp AND can play along side pre-50 friends, alts etc while being on equal footing with bolster (in fact crafted purple wearing pre-50 toons could be more powerful).


Due to the bolster mechanic there is absolutely no reason to exclude level 50's from a 10-50 bracket. There is no reason why stock 50's need to run naked into the harsh world of level 50 pvp. Only the very few properly prepare for the 50 bracket ... most simply level and BAM! they find themselves in a world of hurt and all fun is taken out of that element of the game. This would place them on equal footing with leveling toons with modest to better gear and even allow well equipped players to downgrade and enter the lower bracket to have fun with friends.


Gear is what make level 50's powerful and forced to compete in a different bracket ... NOT the fact they were 50! So stop punishing a 50 simply because they are 50. Force "better than stock" geared players into the second bracket not those still effectively "leveling gear".

Edited by Tamanous
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I would just prefer the bracket for pure pvp fun and skill. I would also go with then just putting max stats at 50 (which would be equal to the blue set you suggested) in order to allow the custom orange gear so you can still have your own look instead of 50 warriors that all look the same because of one gear set available.


Also, based on another thread in pvp section about how much fun it is in pre 50 i would think there is alot of people out there that would absolutely love this, so they dont have to roll alts in order to play in it.


I dont get why most of these MMO companies seriously cant grasp pvp competiveness and instead they always turn it into a gear race like pve. It makes sense for pve, but pvp has proven to be very successful without gear incentive. FPS / RTS ??? I know i will keep on playing this bracket if they offered it and i bet anyone that talks the talk about thier skill will be here too just to show they are about skill and not monstrous advantage carrying them thru fights.


Lastly i as well dont have the time to commit to hard grinding the gear day upon day of endless sleep, so this allows people like me the opportunity to just have some fun pvp matches.


So end verdict,



Edited by Nethershadow
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