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Credits and $$$$$


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Hey guys, right now I'm playin as bounty hunter and was wondering if there were any really easy ways to make tons of credits in a fairly short amount of time. Just askin cause I'm close to broke. Leave all your great suggestions in the comments! Thx again :) Edited by TheHunterC
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Don't be a noob.


I had all my tradeskills maxed when I was lvl 40, synthweaving, archaeology and underground trading. Never went out to level up my archaeology, all gains in these crew skills were only done sending them on missions. Had more than enough credits, and for the mount.


Now at 50 I have 3.2 million credits, 110% traning and 4 110% mounts, Battlemaster with full epic gear....


I never sell anything on the trade market. Sold maybe a couple things once, stopped as I just get it all back and lose credits.


I've gotten 99% of my gold from simply doing some dailies and running WZs... too easy and too fast to make it... and have nothing to spend my credits on since I maxed my crew skills :(.

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