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Marauder Hybrid?


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I'm a 44 marauder, after I maxed out Carnage, I put two points into Ravager for the increased damage and cool down and two points into short fuse on annihilation. I'll likely put the rest of my points into annihilation. Then again I don't PvP so you can take this or leave it. I was under geared, but now I just finished Belsavis except for class quests and heroics. I just had to fix my mods in my gear. Normally I hit sabreward, cloak of pain, and force charge and ravage at the start of most fights. I normally stay in ataru. I will occasionally throw in force choke, gore, or kick off obfuscate or intimidating roar; if I need to disrupt or debuff enemies.
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How about that for PvP? You stay in Juyo form, can use Choke to get Shockwave, have SUPER SPAMMABLE Gap closers (Obliterate PLUS lower cooldown on Charge), and your Smashes get the damage increase from Juyo form. You get bleeds, you get heals from bleeds, and your Vicious Slash becomes the rage dump in other scenarios.


This is the only "Viable" PvP Hybrid build I could ever see working...

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A marauder hybrid is just horrible... the top tiers of each tree are where the $ is. And besides that... too many useful abilities rely on forms. Wasting time on switching forms and working it into your key bindings seems ridiculous. I never drop ALL of my points into one tree with a marauder but not reaching the top tier of a tree just doesn't work for the marauder.
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I wouldn't want to PVE in this build, but I found it fun to try in PVP for a bit and it was actually pretty effective.




Run it in Shii-Cho and just Viscous Slash your a** off. You get a Shii-Cho enhanced ravage for your gore window, and obliterate does 3k+ damage with gore up. (The jump is nice if someone kb's your gore too.) Very fun build!


You also get force scream for 1 rage, unless you take the 80% predation instead. :p

Edited by CaptainBarbosa
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