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You could briefly give the wrong items when completing quests, just for lolz.


For Example, early on Hutta and you are on your way to get the head of Nemras old accountant and you meat an old couple; the man which has been shot in the leg. I think it would be funny if you returned from the rust yards and:


Man: "Ah you returned. I bet my wife you wouldn't make it. now I owe here a weeks worth of chores."


Woman: "Thats my husband for you. Always looking on the bright side."


Man: "Did you get those power units?"


You: Right here.


*pull out bag and drop it on the floor*


*head rolls out*


*couple screams*


You: "Whoops! Wrong bag."


*pick up head*


*pull out power units*


You: "Here you go."

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