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Mercenary strongest class at low levels?


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Hey guys, after trying sith assassin and powertech, I decided to roll a BH that doesnt use his flamethrower for 80% of the attacks (not my cup of tea) and went mercenary. Long story short, the moment I dinged 10, I went to my AC trainer, and the moment I got merc AC, I queued for PvP.


Here is how that very first game ended: I broke 100K damage mark and came in 2nd. Call me a noob, but on my assassin that would be equivalent of a lucky game around lvl 20.



Only 2 levels later, here is another game: breaking 200k and coming in 1st at lvl 12. Again, even on my powertech, that would be somewhat of a normal outcome only around lvls 17-20.



So either I'm wrong and all classes are capable of that, or mercs are just in fact more tough and more fun, in the beginning at least :) Obviously this is all at low levels so the "tracer missile is OP" nonsense is not [yet] applicable here. in that case, just wanted to share my excitement about the class, as merc may be my new main character :)



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Playing gunslinger(sniper) at low lvls and I'm just steamrolling everyone from afar or run`n`gun everyone when there's a need to stay on spot. Have to say-I'm loving it at lower lvls more than my merc's gameplay.


However the absolute record holder is sorc. Seriously-heals, bubble, CCs and a nasty sustained dps...Pve wise I'm unbeatable, as for pvp, well that depends on how many people are after me. Usually they see lightning and just zerg me. Sure, I'm not doing crazy damage as lvl50 sorc can, but whatever I can push out of low lvl sorc is more than enough to piss off that many people.

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Sins are incredibly late bloomers because their best abilities and talents are locked away until ~35. They are too reliant on crits due to all the best damage being white until you can start ramping up shock/discharge and gear does no favors until around similar levels. Simply put, there is no magical ability unlocked like tracer missile that will instantly boost your damage. Everything builds off each other until 50 when they effectively get the tools required to do major damage. Edited by Jodou
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