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Is Bioware trolling us?


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Okay, this isn't a thread qqing about the ability delay/stutter, being gimped, or having a ridiculously high skill floor, no. This is about a little more trivial things I've noticed.


As I'm going through my class quests, I've noticed something, adn that is Bioware hates us. Bioware DESPISES us. How can I say that you ask? "Bioware doesn't hate us! They said so themselves!" you say? Well let me list down some things.


First off, our companions. Ignoring the fact that we are probably one of the squishiest classes, the first we get is a stupid droid that faceplants 5 seconds into a fight with mobs. The second one is Kira, adn while I like here and have married ehr already, she's really another DPS when we already have(somewhat) plenty of our own. Sure it helps burning down mobs fast, so that you BARELY don't die. You only have to sit during down times.


The third one we get is our most important, our healer companion. Which we get at LEVEL 30, have I mentioned that? The stinking healer companion comes AFTER the first chapter. For a class with NO HEALS whatsoever, well there's the watchman tree but at that level I was better off burning mobs fast with combat since I couldn't feel the supposed heals. Tell me there's nothing wrong with that. CONSULARS get a healer as their second companion.


Even then, I need to keep Doc at as top gear as I can afford to keep from being burned by elites. Which brings us to the second one, our class quests. Frankly, our quests seem to be designed more for the Guardians, sure we may have DPS over them, but the most we can do at those levels is to burn mobs one at a time as fast as possible out of a group of five, ending at about 10% health at the end. So at mid levels, a sentinel's pve life would be along the lines of Pull>wack>sit>repeat.


Then here's one that really made me feel like BW enjoys trolling our class; the gear. Oh, plenty of gear out there for Sents you say? Well this isn't talking about drops(even though I seem to get the short end of the stick during FPS, but maybe that's just me) I'm talking about the commendation gear.


As Sentinels we only have one job, DPS. So we need to keep our DPS maximized as much as possible, possibly changing hilts every couple of levels. but have you tried looking for gear or mods that would seem fit for us? A Sentinel would likely look for something that carries Crit Rating, Surge, and STR, END is a close 4th. but take a look at a commendation merchant and you'll see atleast 4 kinds of END gear, 5 kinds of Willpower, and the rest Aim or Cunning. Only 1 or 2 that might have the right stat mixture of us. Hell, Belsavis DOESN'T even HAVE Might armorings. Sensing something yet?


So that's what the gear contains, let's go to what our gear LOOKS like. I'm currently wearing the lvl 40 WZ commendation set, and honestly, I look like I'm wearing a bathrobe made out of poop. It's brown, and squiggly, and... ew. Of course I could just switch out the mods I guess, but it's kinda expensive for my wondrously shoppaholic nature as I find crafting somewhat addicting. I've also taken a look at other commendation robes, and I've even seen ones that look like someone thought it'd be funny to grab one of the shoulder plates and twist it upwards.


Then we go to the end gear. I've seen pictures of it, you've seen pictures of it, and you know it. Yes, the armor that makes us look like an orange colored of one of those old school japanese superheroes. With the stinking samurai helmet. While I think samurais are cool, I've never really liked those helmets. They look like someone just sliced the side off a wide bowl and smacked it on the head.


Really Bioware, may I know the full name and address of whoever designed the armors for our class? I promise I won't go to their house and paint it orange.


Well that's that, again this isn't about the horrid skill delays, or animation resetting, or the bugged skills that don't work. Because Bioware is trolling us in more ways than one apparently.

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Actually I also did notice the chronic lack of sentinel gear. It's appalling that we can't take the hood off but I don't mind the robes.


As you said, it's not big things but rather the accumulation of little niggles that makes our class actually frustrating to try and customize.

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Really, I thought it was my imagination at first, but as I progressed through my quests and went planet to planet, it really dawned on me that there's barely anything for Sentinels. There seems to be a ton of willpower gear though, wonder what that says about Bioware's take on the classes?
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I wear that gold helmet every time my guild does a flash point cut scene and I'm in a group with a 32 year guy name Vance. Let me tell yah, hes got such a nerd rage for anyone bashing star wars. So I start singing the power rangers song in a low whisper during a cut scene whenever my character happens to be stealing the show i can hear him drop vent/swtor in a flurry or curses faster then Lindsey Lohan gets summoned to court.


I didn't see him again for two days i think...

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