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But I AM a sith (pureblood)


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Anyone else notice these 'plot' holes. Its almost like the only planned to have humans/cyborgs as playable races then changed it after VO was recorded.




Like when HK? in foundry is telling about the machine/driods programmed to detect and eradacte sith genetic material, and you say 'I guess Im one of the lucky ones'.




LOTS through the SI storyline you are referred to as a slave and Ashera's conversations all seem to assume your playing a human character.



Good immersion if you actually picked a human, bad if not.

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I took the HK one to be sarcastic. However through the SI story we get a dozen or so references and maybe as many through the world arcs which make no sense as a Pureblood. That said purebloods were never meant to be SI but due to the lack of decent alien species they allowed them in. Personaly I am happy we have so many issues with the VO when being a pureblood as it will hopefully open the door for other species to be added. If we can put up with the large number of issues people noticed as purebloods then one or two as a Kel'dor wont be an issue.

But it in spoilder but not sure if it was needed Oh well/

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Pureblood SI was last minute addition.


Daniel Erickson the lead story writer did not want them because they do not fit the lore. But enough whining won out in the end and they added them.


So there is no "Pureblood SI" dialogue instead they cobbled together other SI dialogues.

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Honestly, for the SI quest line, it makes sense. Your family has been in servitude for many, many generations, as Kallig states, because of his own mistakes. Why couldn't that include a pureblood family? Just because you are of the sith species, that doesn't mean you can't be sold as a slave because your family was dirt poor, or despised.


Most people just assume because you are pureblood, everything should be served on a silver platter. No. You are a slave, no matter what race you play as the Inquisitor, that was your lot in life.


The HK dialogue is weird, to be sure, but that's one minor detail really.


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I think it falls right in with much of the "unpolished" script. Look at Fixer 66 on Balmorra. After swapping out to use grenades instead of comms he says something like, "If I could punish you I would" and an obvious threat that "People replace common items with explosives every day, just think about that." The thing is that he says all this to my Sith Inquisitor's face. The same SI that has just killed a long line of both Sith and Imperial Army without anyone having authority to do a thing about it. The followup to his statement should have been him with a facefull of Force Lightning.


Also, the followup is that he says they have to throw out all the scavenged grenades they picked up, which is quite possibly the stupidest thing I've heard in game for some time, as if the enemy wouldn't sabotage the very thing that real world armies have been sabotaging for years. Picking up your own people's gear, as was the intended trick, is one thing, but to pick up something off a dead enemy and expect to use it SAFELY shows gross incompetence in a military operation. You might expect undergeared farmers and factory workers to scavenge up items in desperation, but for a trained and well supplied soldier to casually pick up explosives off an enemy is naive.


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Originally SI's weren't able to be Purebloods because of them being slaves and SW's weren't able to be aliens because they are of noble Sith lineage, however this allowed little race customization so these (presumably non-canon) options were added at the last minute.
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Originally SI's weren't able to be Purebloods because of them being slaves and SW's weren't able to be aliens because they are of noble Sith lineage, however this allowed little race customization so these (presumably non-canon) options were added at the last minute.


and all this proves how little BW knows of actual SW lore. Look at the TotJ comics and you can clearly see that there are no humans in the empire - how humans became a dominant species in the empire is a mystery beyond this world. All of the original Sith Lords were human-sith hybrid, or how this game calls them - purebloods. Considering that your ancestor Kallig was a Sith Lord of the old empire it should be very likely that your SI character is 'pureblood'. Same goes for the SW

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