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Suggestions: UI and Sniper/Operative Skills


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Hey, these are just two suggestions I had. I'm really hoping the developers will see this.


The 1st suggestion is a UI issue. When a skill is cooling down, there's a line that goes down through it until it's ready to be used. Some skills are grayed out during this process, but some do not remain grayed out.


An example is a skill like Headshot which is active when the target is incapacitated. While it's cooling down, if you incapacitate the target, it will light up again. The problem is, that the bar going through it is so thin that around the last 5 or so seconds of cooldown, you don't see it at all. I've died several times thinking I could use a skill when it wasn't finished cooling down. My suggestion would be to keep all skills grayed out until you their cooldown time is over because sometimes the bar is hard to see.


My 2nd suggestion is for sniper/operative skills. Eviscerate and Headshot do exactly the same thing except one is a knife action and the other is rifle. The problem is that they both use up the same cooldown time, so if you wasted your money buying both skills, you'll find that you can only use one of the two. Since Headshot does more damage, I think more people would use that one once they get it. Wouldn't it make more sense to give Eviscerate (knife action) to operatives and Headshot to snipers, instead of giving people the option to waste their money on a skill they'd never use?

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