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HuttBall as a "squishy" Marauder ^_^


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Hope you'll enjoy it somehow, I don't claim to be a progamer nor that Marauders are OP.

Just wanna share what I took 4 hours to edit and render (crappy PC and new to video editing).


Be gentle on me ;)


Youtube link here


Watch in 1080p if your network allows it, but FYI I run the game at 1280*800 :(


Hyunckel Xanadu, LV. 50 Maraudeur Kissai Caste, EU

Edited by Eltohan
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what i have seen in this video is nice 1 on 1 targets , your opponents team is pretty much scattered all the time


but make a movie where you encountered a closed group, the first they will target is you

i on Frostclaw never find 1 on 1 action like i just saw in the movie


if you can pick them out yes , but after killing 1 target i get jumped by 3 others and i die, unless i have Force Camouflage ready.


and u have ur gear with u as well which is a nice surplus.


there is just a difference:


if you can chose jumping a Sith marauder with medium armor no CC

or jump a bounty hunter / sith sorc who have CCs/ heals

who are you going to pick?


exactly ^^


marauder is just the easiest choice

Edited by Alegoss
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Yeah buddy, I feel your pain :(


VoidStar is a nightmare for me, I love HuttBall, I despise VoidStar.


Alderaan is in between. But usually the middle area is filled with sages/commandoes and so on... I often get piled on pebbles before I have the time to hit any CD to survive (and if I, by the time I can flee to the others area I long dead before)


Dunno what BW can do about this.


But hey, Op/Scoundrels will disappear from the game from now on, as they'll definately be worse than us.


Wait and see how the classes get balanced in some months.

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i just think they should up the damage of the skills a bit


the problem is like PVP gear has loads of power : but what if you play annihilation?

i mean you want you your dots to crit offcourse i mean the rupture slow is nice etc etc

but still .. it feels that mitigation weighs more than the chance on crits

you have to be honest


if you watch your movie a bit you can see how long they kite you: if you have smart opponents and they see you , you have to give up your chase or you die


thats what i mean there is no way you can really counter being the underdog in battle



overall very nice kills :)

Edited by Alegoss
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My marauder is only level 17 but I love him more in pvp than pve. I don't feel NEAR as squishy in pvp as I do in pve currently. Almost got enough marks for the full set of pvp bought gear at 20 heh.


yes thats what i thought 30 lvls ago as well :p

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My marauder is only level 17 but I love him more in pvp than pve. I don't feel NEAR as squishy in pvp as I do in pve currently. Almost got enough marks for the full set of pvp bought gear at 20 heh.


Lol.... Wow. Just wait for lvl 50 PvP. Your opinion will change and fast.


I've been playing a Marauder since BETA.


First of all, the Marauder 1 v 1 is deadly (Only after fully geared), but this is a GROUP PvP game. If your finding players out by themselves... they are DUMB and deserved to be killed.


The Surviability of a Marauder when focus'ed or CC'ed by two or more is ZERO. Your dead. And FAST.


I've played all the other classes to lvl 30+ and also have a lvl 50 OPS healer. Trust me when I say this: "I cuss 99% more playing my Marauder in PvP than any other class." Playing an OPS or SI or BH is like PvP EASY MODE. I can get away from any situation with my OPS if I want to escape. 80% of the time with a Marauder I'm dead. They are easily CC'ed and quickly killed. With an SI or OPS you will need to be focused by 3 or more players to be killed.


And as a Marauder you have the LEAST CC's and Stuns than ANY other class. We have ZERO pvp oriented stuns besides Force charge which isn't really a cc and a very very short stun with a long CD. Force Choke don't count because we are CC'ed while we are casting it and getting pounded in the process by other players.


Anyone who even HINTS that the Marauder Class should be Nerfed is just silly and has ZERO clue *** they are talking about.... PERIOD. If anything they need some type of buff or another form of cc, stun, or knockback.


In Summary: Marauder = Glass Cannon

Edited by Blaaine
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i just think they should up the damage of the skills a bit


the problem is like PVP gear has loads of power : but what if you play annihilation?

i mean you want you your dots to crit offcourse i mean the rupture slow is nice etc etc

but still .. it feels that mitigation weighs more than the chance on crits

you have to be honest


if you watch your movie a bit you can see how long they kite you: if you have smart opponents and they see you , you have to give up your chase or you die


thats what i mean there is no way you can really counter being the underdog in battle



overall very nice kills :)



Yep I can get kitted quite easily between my charges CD... :(

Any geared player skilled enough is a PITA to kill


ATM on my server, the only games we win are before 5pm, after that all Republic is gathered and roflstomp us (we have a lot of undergeard and specially unskilled players) :D

Edited by Paralassa
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Lol.... Wow. Just wait for lvl 50 PvP. Your opinion will change and fast.


I've been playing a Marauder since BETA.


First of all, the Marauder 1 v 1 is deadly (Only after fully geared), but this is a GROUP PvP game. If your finding players out by themselves... they are DUMB and deserved to be killed.


The Surviability of a Marauder when focus'ed or CC'ed by two or more is ZERO. Your dead. And FAST.

In Summary: Marauder = Glass Cannon



This sums it pretty well. 1vs1 = king, in a group if you face multiple opponents at once and your team is awfull, you're dead. You can flee but you'll be dead one second or later.


This is not a superman class like was the DeathKnight in 3.0 WoW or the Sage atm :D

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Huttball is so much fun as someone that can jump from platform to platform. As a DPS jugg I play just like you do in this video, picking out targets that arent coordinated with the group and eliminating them quickly.




I play a melee operative and I generally just leave huttball unless I see people on my team I know will actually try to win.

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