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So, uh, yeah...


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Can Google Translate be used on this?


But in all seriousness, your arguments are terrible. If the month they spent working on bug fixes got rid of all the bugs, then yes I would be happy.


And just because the features have been 'discovered' doesn't mean they don't want them. It just means they haven't been implemented yet.


WoW didn't have them, and WoW flourished.


wow needed five years to implement something nobody had done before!whats their excuse?But i see you are a bit slow i ll give you time!


No they can work when most people that paid the time are not online,so beeing nightime

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This thread is still going down the trolollols:)


I think that everyone that comes from WoW who are used to some of the features that are called industry standard are right to complain that SWTOR does not have these features they are used to.


On the other hand I understand that BW had to launch it 2011 Xmas time because it was not viable to wait for another year (one more year not making money!) and so a decision was made to launch with what they had. This is called risk assessment - to launch with what you have and improve from there or wait for another year and not making money. From pure business side of the story this all makes very much sense.


I do think that BW will fix issues and add missing features in coming updates because they know that if they want to compete they need to implement this and fix that. The only problem right now is that these hardcore gamers who had bad first impression will unsub and maybe (really maybe) come back later if these features are implemented and bugs fixed. If after some reasonable time (like 6 months) these issues are still up then it will be purely BW's fault.


In the end the game is still a Star Wars game and it is still playable for most of the people so I dont see the game failing any time soon because there are a lot of people who play this game for exactly what it is - a Star Wars themed solo friendly MMO.

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No they didn't. In TBC WoW had a super LFG tool with which you could search for players and groups by class/quest/dungeon/comment, and ask for invite to an existing group or look for individuals to fill your own.


Even before that they had a global LFG channel.


That was a great tool, but alas not the one everyone is asking for. They want the new one made that basically auto groups em so they don't have to interact.


I voted for the TBC one personally.

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