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Dem Snipers..


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What up fellow Sents. Let me start off by saying I'm not starting this topic to rant or whine, just looking for suggestions and or your experiences with these annoying bastards.


I do believe I am pretty skilled with my Sentinel but continue to struggle with these guys. Yes, I know we can use a combination of stealth, force stasis, and awe to counter their cover skill but what do you do when you're engaging with these skills on cool down. I've tried plenty of times and their is no way I am going to out dps them face to face with their insane burst. Basically, not being able to interrupt is killing me.

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Well, i believe this is a rock-paper scissors case.

Depending on my build my engagement with snipers differs, but unless I catch them flatfooted I prefer to just ignore them alltogether.

Still, a good way is to learn their powerful moves (snipe etc) so when they use it counter with force camo or los.

So if you see a sniper and this is a 1 - 1 situation? Just stay 30 m from him. He will come to you himself :D Or just force camo-run.


Reverting to initial situation though. The best sniper kilers from my exp is a shadow :) My wife plays one and she calles them free frags ready for the taking. She enjoys how they always sit there with their back open for her shadow strike. Or in case she is running to them she just uses sprint (that run buff) to quickly close the gap. Or in case she can - resilience (5 sec invulnerability to tech / force that is coupled with debuff removing).

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Honestly, Snipers have all the tools to completely rip us apart. The best way to fight one is not to fight one unless you can take them by surprise really.


Treat them like Bounty Hunters that can't be Force Jumped to when fighting them


Yeah... that's pretty much the case. I mean don't get me wrong, if I have force statis up and can knock them out of cover then I can call it my win. Attempting to run from these guys will usually get me killed anyways so I rather go down with a fight and keep them from picking off my team.

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I'm not a PvP player, but here's some ideas that come to mind from stuff I've read:

Remember that Transcendence ramps up your movespeed while and can be further increased with two points in the appropriate talent in Watchman tree. Also grants some damage resistance.


If you have Camouflage talented too, that can give you temporary 100 percent damage resistance to allow you to close the gap.


Also you say you can't interrupt - I hope you're saving your Force Kick to stop their biggest attacks. Also remember that Force Leap interrupts too.


Overall I can't imagine it being a very good matchup for Sentinel. But I assume if you're able to get on top of them then the advantage should swing in your direction.

Edited by SteveGarbage
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Your only hope is to time your defensive CD's right if they are as good as you are... I've dueled a gunslinger in my guild that is damn good (he won a 1v1 tourney on my server), and I can beat him if I use all of my defensive CD's, but if anything is on CD I can only get him to ~10% health.


Snipers are effectively your counter, but don't worry, they're not very popular and they're your only counter :)

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The problem is that when they entrench, they are immune to CC (leap, kick and stasis) whilst being able to immobilize us 3 times.


Avoid them if you can and just get them when they aren't in cover.


We're immune to your leap just by being in cover. We can't immobilize you three times untill you're within melee range for one attempt and don't have a full resolve bar. We can root you for two seconds with leg shot (rarely in pvp does it last its full duration of five). We can do that up to a 30m range. We can use flashbang that is a 30m AoE mez that can last up to 8 seconds. Any damage will break that mez, though. And lastly we have debilitate that does small damage and stuns you for four seconds...but you need to be in melee range.


Entrench is a fairly obvious ability that can easily be countered by just not engaging the sniper for it's short duration. Snipers are only infuriate your class (and marauders) because you cannot proceed to interrupt them the way you can other classes. Your spec vs their spec also matters and who has a medpack ready to use. I've died several times from a burn/bleed affect after killing the sentinel/marauder on me because of that.


Operative/Scoundrels and Shadows/Assassins are usually the most uphill fights my sniper has to over come. I'm pretty even with everything else in a 1 vs 1 though tank spec'd Guardians/Juggernauts can be a pain to kill unless I'm Lethality spec'd. (Lethality is the DoT tree for Snipers).

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Didn't know snipers were our hard counter just because of their immunity. I always like going for them because they are squishy as hell.


Adrenal+ might stim + searing sabers + burn + merciless slash + burn (hopefully) and/or Master Strike, usually they are low enough to dispatch and those burns are healing me enough in between the snipers cd attacks, if not there is also medpacking.


I happened to meet 2 snipers in illum. They ambushed me the first time and knocked me back every time i came at them and they killed me without taking any of them down.


I caught them off guard the second time and killed both of them.


I caught them a third time with them near each other and killed both of them barely.


We found each other a fourth time and I killed one before dying.


Can I assume these guys were just terribad? Hell it seemed like they weren't healing at all.

Edited by icbeodragon
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Only one way to deal with Snipers and it's having the drop on them, whether it is from using Force Camo or come in from behind unseen. In that scenario, you'll destroy him, he's got no chance if you know how to use your skills.


If you get noticed early, it's best to go for another target far from him because you'll just get owned unless he is really bad.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Can I assume these guys were just terribad? Hell it seemed like they weren't healing at all.


Well...they could've been bad. They could've been low in health from engaging mobs (you didn't really specify), you could be pro. The only healing a sniper can do is from a medpack every 90 seconds when in combat. Operatives have the abilitiy to heal.

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Well...they could've been bad. They could've been low in health from engaging mobs (you didn't really specify), you could be pro. The only healing a sniper can do is from a medpack every 90 seconds when in combat. Operatives have the abilitiy to heal.


nah it was illum pvp area, they were probably digging through trash for dailies, full health both of them.

Edited by icbeodragon
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nah it was illum pvp area, they were probably digging through trash for dailies, full health both of them.


That's a distinct possibility. My sniper is a level 50 on Davik's Estate. Rarely do I see any Republic players on Ilum (unless I'm incredibley lucky and they're running in packs in the Battle area). I've leveled a trooper to 40 so far and generally find most of the Imps I run in to forget they're on a pvp server, have no idea what's attacking them, might have their map screen up, confuse me with npcs...I don't know. I would rather believe the ones I come across die from lack of open world pvp exposure than anything else. Could be true of the two snipers you came across.

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