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Mercenary VS Melee Classes in PvP


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Hi there fellow BHs,


i would like to know if you are having troubles against melees(Jugger, Marodeur,Assasins ) in PVP situations.


Basically if i fail to sell him my tracer missile fake cast i am dead meat :)

I am running on 597 expertise so gear should be ok, allthough i would like to have my 136er offhand ;)


If i manage to win a 1v1 against a melee i used all my CDs , made some ****** crits and was generally pretty lucky :)



I am not QQ ing or so, i just would like to hear some other BHs experiences or even tactics against melees.

For now i try to avoid those awkward 1v1 situations whenever i can :cool:

Edited by ghagleit
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I have an issue with Immortal Juggies and healer spec Ops in 1v1.


Juggs because of their mitigation CDs, and the HealOps because of my lack of an interrupt.


Assassins, Marauders, and Operatives I'm fine with. (Disclaimer: This may be useless to you as I'm Pyro and don't give a crap if I get interrupted)

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