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@44 starting to see a LITTLE survivability


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As everyone knows, the biggest problem marauders tend to have is survivability.


Here's what I see...marauders have a bit of trouble in these situations:


1) When there are several foes. PARTICULARLY when those foes can slap you with the stackable armour debuffs or stack DoTs.


2) High dps bosses when you big cooldowns are down.


Marauders are very high dps. Anyone that says otherwise really doesn't know how to play the class, and no, I'm not trying to be insulting.


The issue is defense.


I just hit 44, and I still say that compared to a sorcerer, a marauder is comparatively weak, but at least not so much as at, say, level 30.


The biggest thing one must realize is that in order to really survive at any level, you have to be able to manipulate 3 skill bars worth of skills, and that is truly a challenge. At 44, each battle of any note (anything more than your standard 3-normal fight), I, on average, use at least 20 different skills. With my level 50 sorcerer, I might have 20 skills slotted, but I doubt in any given fight I use more than 5 or 6 skills.


I still say that marauders, at least til level 44, are squishy, but if you're able to manage the high volume of skills, it's possible to survive a little at higher level.


If I were to do something to fix this...I think marauders should be rewarded for being able to manage the massive number of skills. If they wanted us to have this, why should we be weaker?


First I would double the length of time between battles rage and fury persist.


Next, our class is designed to build fury for the big buffs, so make them big buffs. The 15% damage isn't bad, but 5 min cooldown? Our 10% defense should be doubled to 20%. It's not like it lasts that long to begin with. The auto-crit on DoTs isn't bad, but should be doubled in duration.


With my sorcerer, the 20 min cooldown is a certain game-changer just because of the nature of the class. I feel, however, the 20 min cooldown for the marauder is not so much. It certainly is a decent help, but because of the nature of the class, it's not like what the sorcs get. If I were to change it, I would keep it as is except add a 50% defense buff for like 6 or 8 seconds to start.


This to me is a start. Marauders are fun...when they're not sucking...but they are complicated. None of what I recommend reduces that complexity, but it at least makes the complexity worth the effort compared to others.

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You got a point about survivability, but it does get much better in the 40's.. But 3 skill bars?


I run a Rage Spec Marauder, I have a really low end vid card (25fps is about max for me), so the burst damage for me out weighs the sustained DPS. But... I take on, on level Elites and by the time I finish one rotation for my Smash Burst, I've got them down to about half life. I only really use about a dozen skills the majority of the time, the others only when I feel then necessary like Pommel Strike and Savage Kick.



  • Charge
  • Obliterate
  • Force Crush
  • Smash
  • Battering Assault
  • Assault
  • Force Choke
  • Enraged Scream
  • Vicious Throw
  • Saber Ward



The Marauder in PvP though is kinda squishy, we're easy to pick out, and people know we can deal out heavy damage so yea I've seen people ignore a healer to come pounce on me. They do get better though, and before all of you start raging about my Rage Spec, hey it's what works for me, if needed I'll change up later down the road but for now, it's huge AoE burst just works...

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You got a point about survivability, but it does get much better in the 40's.. But 3 skill bars?


I run a Rage Spec Marauder, I have a really low end vid card (25fps is about max for me), so the burst damage for me out weighs the sustained DPS. But... I take on, on level Elites and by the time I finish one rotation for my Smash Burst, I've got them down to about half life. I only really use about a dozen skills the majority of the time, the others only when I feel then necessary like Pommel Strike and Savage Kick.


  • Charge
  • Obliterate
  • Force Crush
  • Smash
  • Battering Assault
  • Assault
  • Force Choke
  • Enraged Scream
  • Vicious Throw
  • Saber Ward


The Marauder in PvP though is kinda squishy, we're easy to pick out, and people know we can deal out heavy damage so yea I've seen people ignore a healer to come pounce on me. They do get better though, and before all of you start raging about my Rage Spec, hey it's what works for me, if needed I'll change up later down the road but for now, it's huge AoE burst just works...


I use Deadly Saber, Rupture, Battering Assault, Berserk, Annihilate, Vicious Slash, Disruption, Crippling Slash, Force Charge, Assault, Cloak of Pain, Unleash, Force Choke, Undying Rage, Sweeping Slash, Smash, Force Camoflage, and Deadly Throw as key binds, and then I also have Obfuscate, Saber Ward, Predation, Heroic Moment, Reusable Medpac, and Throw the Huttball, Sprint, Unnatural Might, and Juyo Form as clicked keys. I don't even have everything on my bars, let alone everything bound to keys. That's 18 keys bound I use all the time in pvp regularly and most of them in pve. Then there's the reactive abilities which I don't even use, not because I don't want to but because I mix it up a good bit between pve and pvp and they don't work in pvp. I don't want to waste precious ui space on situational abilities that I can't even use half the time. In order to do well with this class, particularly in pvp, I can't imagine how someone could possibly click these abilities. I can do fine on my other 50 with easily half the abilities I use on my marauder.

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If the OP is referring to PVE survivability then he's doing it wrong.

PVP? dunno, I can't comment on that.

But in PVE, Marauders ARE squishy yes, but that is a non-factor because of how fast we kill.

I soloed all the way to 50 on mine, and died less than 20 times, ALWAYS questing 2-3 levels above me with NO issues at all.

If that's not some darn good survivability then I don't know what is.


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And there was I complaining that Marauders have so little skills to use and bind in other thread...




Sith Marauder.

` Frenzy

1 Berserk

2 Bloodthirst

3 Predation

4 Biochem healing pot

6 Channel Hatred

7 to = are buffs you cast after death and quick travel

Q Basic attack

W Battering Assault

R Annihilation

T Vicious Slash

Y heroic moment ability

Shift + Y disable droin

A Rupture

G Vicious Throw

H Intimidating Roar

Z Ravage

X Force Scream

C Force Choke

V Smash

B Pummel Strike

Shift + B Savage Kick

Middle Mouse Button - Trinket

Mouse Wheel Down - Force Leap

Mouse Wheel Up - Force Camo

Mouse Button 4 - Undying Rage

Num 1 (Razer Naga) Deadly Saber

Num 2 Crippling Slash

Num 3 Deadly Throw

Num 4 Disruption

Num 6 Retaliation

Num 7 Obsfucate

Num 8 Cloak of Pain

Num 9 Saber Ward

Num 0 Relic

Num - exp consumable/adrenal

Shift + space - Sweeping Slash.


Still have Num + (12th Naga button) and Mouse Button 5 and Num 5 and keyboard 5 to bind. Considering B and Y aren't usable in PvP enviroment - that's 6 unbound skills with easy and comfortable access. And no skills left. I am dissapoint.


Without any modifiers. With just shift and Naga's buttons that's additional 17 buttons not bound.


But like I said - it's okay for having not many skills, keeps a lot of room for five expansions. :)



I dread to think how primitive other classes are if they run with even less keybinds.



I would say go try WoW, but sadly, WoW Warriors don't have many skills either after they removed Intercept, moved some abilities to be for tanking tree only (like Shield Slam - used to press a keybind to use 1 hander+shield and dispell a priest's bubble on focused target) and most importantly - stance dancing.


Yay for MMORPGs getting more retarded for Call of Duty crowd - press W to move and press LMB to fire, that's two buttons you'll ever need.


G fu***** G

Edited by Deviltreh
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I also feel that some abilities for Mara come way too late. Like the execute saber throw? What is it, 46? I mean, come on! Other classes get theirs by 18 (Sniper), 32 (Sin), 34 (Pyro spec BH), etc., etc. Nobody else but warriors gets their execute at 46. That's just silly.


Other classes also have more leeway with these abilities - they are in execute range when enemy is below 30%. Ours is below 20%. Why? Just doesn't seem fair.


Not really important in the long run, but it's always been a pet peeve of mine.

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At 42 we get another cc, Intimidating Shout. I had no idea this was coming and was thrilled! Also, you say at 46 we get an execute ability!?! Awesome! I think in pvp we already kick butt, but with the two afore mentioned abilities, we are even greater!


Now I don't know how we fare at 50, but if its like it is now, I'll be happy.


lvl 43 Rage Mara

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At 42 we get another cc, Intimidating Shout. I had no idea this was coming and was thrilled! Also, you say at 46 we get an execute ability!?! Awesome! I think in pvp we already kick butt, but with the two afore mentioned abilities, we are even greater!


Now I don't know how we fare at 50, but if its like it is now, I'll be happy.


lvl 43 Rage Mara


Shout breaks on dmg. Unlike the other classes CC. Remember at lvl 50 the other classes gain even more REAL Stuns to our.... kinda 1.


Force Choke = CC's you while you use it. (pvp worthless unless 1 v 1)

Int. Shout = Breaks on dmg/long CD

Ravage = suppose to stun while using (if specced), but 90% chance that won't happen. They'll run off while your casting it.


Pretty much as a lvl 50 Marauder... your going to spend alot of time in CC.


For PvE as a Marauder I have no complaints. PvP... I use my OPS for that.


You know the SURE WAY to DETERMINE what class is OP'ed? Que up for a PvP Match (Pre lvl 50 works best) Count how many of each class there are. The class with the most is the OP'ed Class. All the noobs swarm to the OP'ed class.


My results:


70% SI

20% Merc

5% OPS

5% SW


I've seen many matche were its ALL SI's with one or 2 of another class. This is pathetic.


They should rename PvP: SI's VS SAGES The Battle of the OP'ed.

Edited by Blaaine
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You got a point about survivability, but it does get much better in the 40's.. But 3 skill bars?


I run a Rage Spec Marauder, I have a really low end vid card (25fps is about max for me), so the burst damage for me out weighs the sustained DPS. But... I take on, on level Elites and by the time I finish one rotation for my Smash Burst, I've got them down to about half life. I only really use about a dozen skills the majority of the time, the others only when I feel then necessary like Pommel Strike and Savage Kick.


  • Charge
  • Obliterate
  • Force Crush
  • Smash
  • Battering Assault
  • Assault
  • Force Choke
  • Enraged Scream
  • Vicious Throw
  • Saber Ward


The Marauder in PvP though is kinda squishy, we're easy to pick out, and people know we can deal out heavy damage so yea I've seen people ignore a healer to come pounce on me. They do get better though, and before all of you start raging about my Rage Spec, hey it's what works for me, if needed I'll change up later down the road but for now, it's huge AoE burst just works...


I think he's mainly referring to PVP so in that case add


  • Cloak of Pain
  • Saber Ward
  • Force Camo
  • Obfuscate
  • Predation
  • Deadly Throw
  • Rupture
  • Deadly Sabers
  • Berserk
  • Crippling Slash
  • Undying Rage

Edited by HBninjaX
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