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[EU] Tomb of Freedon Nadd => Unofficial Main Spanish server


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With a bit of common sense language won't be an issue. The main Hungarian SWTOR site specifically requested that everyone use the custom-created Hungarian chat channels on the chosen "Hungarian" servers and speak only English in General and Trade.


That's a good solution imho.


I agree. I've been ran off 'hijacked' servers before, including some rather colorful language about my mother.

It's really rather rude.


Stick to your guild chats and/or private channels please.

Oh, and please don't ask me 'swe?', 'norsk?', 'ita?' and so forth every five minutes. Thanks!

Edited by Sneakymcstab
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The server has also been chosen by the italian community as "the unofficial italian server", I just hope everyone to be mature and polite, and speak english in general chat...



...but knowing what happened on the Crushridge WoW server, I already know this is not going to happen and things are going to blow up sooner or later :(


even though i speak italian, live in italy.... well i can tell you: ain't gonna happen!!


80% of italians don't even speak english, 20% who do don't play on italian community servers but are actually nice people.

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Ah I was wondering when this reply would pop up. Nothing like unthinking racism. "How dare furreners speak their funny language where I have to hear it."


Racism ? i would say it is common courtesy


Or do you mean you think it is ok att prata ett annat språk som inte du kan ?


That basicly said that is ok for you when talking another language in the general.

But a big LOL when racism have become about language what is next he is a racist he didnt like my dialect...............

Edited by Varghjerta
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After 2 days we are at the Nation VS Nation point yet ?


The same things ? we never go to adult age ?


I'm Italian .. and I am very sad to see the same stereotypes on Italian ... probably you were right for many things ... but is not all the same .. like in each thing


I play in a full ITA guild going to another server to avoid this poor and sterile discussion


but startin' this discussion only drive to push the people doing exactly what you don't want ... ISOLATING a community and start a kind of national pride


take it easy and think about the game ...





PS : For the one that said "It will be the PIIGS server" ... we have our serious problems ... don't need a 2 cent Humor .... so shut up

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Ugh, nobody is hating anyone for speaking different language. The problem is that 3 big communities picked this server as their 'home', this relates to very long ques (over 1 hour yesterday). And while it can be annoying to see people denying writing in English in /1., it is not as annoying as having to wait 1 hour to log in - and to make it clear, if one of the communities will not change the server or Bioware will not split the server, it's going to bug the hell out of players. Edited by Saban
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really boring to see xxx claim this server as xxx unofficial server, bugger you all. European server = English in General etc & whatever the hell u want in closed channels, claiming **** as xxx just makes you look like a ******* tbh. I'll be on tomb server and deffo ain't speaking spainish, or italian or klingon and i'll be damned if u think its "your" server
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Meh, I never had problems with italians or spanish ppl generally, just those few ignorant idiots who prefer to spam their language over general chats and party chats during flashpoints.


Ah well, since our guild got place at Tomb and some have already leveled alot, I guess I get to find out how many names you can get to ignore list.

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I think many here are missing the point. Despite English being the current Lingua Franca, that doesn't mean everyone speaks it. So some people out there have decided to try to have other people who don't speak, or at least are not fluent, english join one particular server where they are more likely to find other individuals who speak their own language, in this case spanish.


The audacity of going out and dishing other people for this baffles me, but then again I'm not constrained by a sub-par IQ, and thus am not daring enough to judge other people for their efforts.


If at any time you don't feel at home in a server due to a language issue, you are always free to change servers. Oh wait, no, they should do it because you are, you know, better.


So, yeah, rant on.

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I think many here are missing the point. Despite English being the current Lingua Franca, that doesn't mean everyone speaks it. So some people out there have decided to try to have other people who don't speak, or at least are not fluent, english join one particular server where they are more likely to find other individuals who speak their own language, in this case spanish.


The audacity of going out and dishing other people for this baffles me, but then again I'm not constrained by a sub-par IQ, and thus am not daring enough to judge other people for their efforts.


If at any time you don't feel at home in a server due to a language issue, you are always free to change servers. Oh wait, no, they should do it because you are, you know, better.


So, yeah, rant on.


Respect the Terms of Use please. Speak english in General Trade etc channels. If some of you spanish people can't speak english that's your problem... If you decide to enter a server and get all the spanish guys together that's fine by me.


But speak english on main chat channels. Keep your native language for guild chat, whispers etc.


Making people leave a server due to a certain amount of players not respecting the official language of it, seems like a takeover to me...

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Its a english realm what means you speak english in general or get banned end off.


This...i don't have any problem with any citizen from any European country...I'm from Greece but i won't speak Greek in general chat,so i expect from the others to do the same....English or banned and i agree

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are you sick?


spanish server? you wish lol


its an offical ex SWG europe chimeara server!!!


tahts what it is




There will be no other language on this server but WAR!


SWG's Chim's HONOUR guild will be making sure of it.


Want to keep it that way? Then head on over to our recruitment page HERE or our website directly HERE.


See you on the battlefield!

Edited by conzilium
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This will not be an English, Spanish or Italian server. It will be just be WAR!

And Chim's HONOUR guild will be making sure of it.

Want to keep it that way? Then head on over to our recruitment page HERE or our website directly HERE.


See you on the battlefield!


good to see honour again :) chim forever!

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Shame my guild is actually on that server, actually I do not think its that bad dont care if Spanish, Russian, Chinese or ever if Jawa's are on the server but what I do expect from these people is speaking of English in main chat as it is a English server. Dont think thats too much to ask of people to be honest.
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I'm English an I do only speak 1 language unfortunately, there for I wouldn't join a server were I don't speak or understand the native language.


Simple really for me it was;


French server.. No

German server.. No

English server...... Ahh there's mine


Ofc if I spoke these languages I woulbt hesitate to mingle tbh


I wish I spoke another language but I don't an it limits my play options so I choose to play on a server where I'm putting no one nor myself at a disadvantage


Ps..... From what I know all the SWG eu chim vets are coming here anyway

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