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PvP/PvE Build Help


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have you looked at any of the Skill Calculators?


each tree seems to have a few PvP related skills, but mostly just looking through the Calculators and making some test builds can give you some ideas.


i mean, i could throw out any number of test builds, but i think it is too early for the 'optimal' builds and it also really depends on what you are focusing around (survival, dps, mobility, a specific ability, etc?).



Torhead: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800.1

DarthHater: http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/trooper/commando/

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I was originally rolling Vanguard, but once I saw my guild mostly had the same thing in mind, I've decided to go Commando (no pun intended..). I was wondering if anyone has a "cookie-cutter" (for lack of a better word) build that is great for both PvP and PvE. Thanks


Funny you say that, because it happened to me too. I was going to roll Vanguard, but once in game I discovered my guild has a surplus of Tanks, so I switched to Commando.


It was a great switch. Commando dishes out so much damage. Though I do miss my harpoon.

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