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what do u think will happen in future storylines and when do u think they will come ?


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Just a simple thread to here peoples opions on what they think will be next for there class and if anyone knows when they are coming plz tell me im dieing here for more story ?


i want my sith warrior to go to kashykk like vader in force unleashed, kill a lonely jedi and take his son for training :)

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Sad truth is, aside from end game content (not what I would call "story"), I don't think we'll see any significant new story lines for classes until at least next December. I think Bioware is banking on people getting their story fix by playing a different class.


EDIT: though I do hope I'm wrong. I'd love to continue my current class's individual story beyond chapter 3.

Edited by Emrakkia
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I'm tipping that Chapter 4 and beyond will be coming in expansion packs. The "regular" content updates will be new flashpoints/operations, some guild/legacy stuff, maybe a new warzone or two and perhaps a small planet (think the pve side of Ilum).


In fairness to BW, adding new class-content will be a lot of work, since you have to do it for all eight classes. Even a fairly modest update (say a line of five quests) would mean writing and implementing forty different missions.

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I'm tipping that Chapter 4 and beyond will be coming in expansion packs. The "regular" content updates will be new flashpoints/operations, some guild/legacy stuff, maybe a new warzone or two and perhaps a small planet (think the pve side of Ilum).


In fairness to BW, adding new class-content will be a lot of work, since you have to do it for all eight classes. Even a fairly modest update (say a line of five quests) would mean writing and implementing forty different missions.


Exactly, so I expect this to be more along the lines of something for a future expansion if nothing else. Any new companions will also probably be acquired in that expansion and will be available for all classes, I.E. something like HK51 for example.

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I'm not yet finnished with my SI-story :) but im getting close! And the thought of the story ending/halting for a unknown ammount of time makes me slightly worried :ph_love_this::sy_empire:


So hope BW can offer a sneak-peak at possible upcoming chapters or something like that ;)

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I have absolutely no idea what'll happen in future story line. But i do know what I want and do not.. The 2nd Chapter of my Sith Warrior was not so interesting as Chapters 1 & 3. I was plain bored through out Chapter 2 and got real pumped up at the end of it/beginning of Chapter 3.


And like how other members have pointed out, it will be quite a lot of work for BW, but I'm assuming they already have at least 2 years' worth content at hand. Still, they will probably poke around the forums (BW does love doing that, bless them) and change or implement what we like the most.


It took me almost a month to hit level 50 on my warrior and reach the final class story and since I plan on playing many Alts, it'll be about 6 or 7 months till I start nagging BW for new story content :D Plus, arrival of other new games will also add in to that equation.

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