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Can´t we get a knockback in Smash?


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And its OKAY for a SI to have an AoE knockback that also snares? On a class that already has a TON of CC's with range, heals, shields,.....





But yeah anyway... don't really need something to push them away.... I'd be happy with ONE REAL STUN!!!!!!!! Ravage = never works. Force Joke = CC's the marauder while its channeled... so you get owned while u use it. Force Charge = not a really cc since it lasts for so little of time.




Just give us back what you took Bioware. Heavy armor and Force Pull. That would balance us out AND it would shut us up about black hooded robes.

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If you're talking about sorcs they'd be damn near useless without it. If you mean assassins well... they need something. They're like an op without the burst. Think the out of stealth knockdown they get hits for about 500.


SI's have a few stuns. Problem is Marauders don't have any real stuns. At all. I'd say its okay if we did more dps, but thats not the case either. A Sages pebble throw does more dps than our Ravage.

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