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Level 50 Gunslingers/Snipers in WZ.


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Seen any lately? They are almost non existent on my server... I have 2 alts 1 is a 41 Guardian and the other is a 40 gunslinger... I'm not sure which to take to 50. I struggle to find any real top quality pvp footage on them, and rarely see them in Warzones...


Are Gunslingers/Snipers Underpowered? or people just hate to play this class in general over the other options?


If anyone could find 50vs50 footage of gunslinger/sniper it would be appreciated.

I'm also wondering if BioWare is going to maybe buff this AC since its barely played in Warzones?

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It will need to be buffed carefully. Tbh I'm a bit of a tyrant on my sharpshooter GS in the sub 50 bracket but I know how to play. I'm always a bit miffed at how little my damage totals are in comparison, however when you consider that it's practically all single target damage it's actually very high.


There are some curious abilities that need some tweaking (lvl 50 ability is pure garbage for one) but otherwise I don't think GS is THAT bad. I think the other damage classes are just a bit easier to play.

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They seem to take a bit of getting used to, which this community seems to shun.


Their cover mechanic could use... well, scrapping completely. Other then that they are fine.


The cover mechanic is great, don't know why there's so much hate for it. All classes that use channeled spells (think grab round/ tracer missile spammers) would love to have knockbacks and interrupt immunity whilst channeling.

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The cover mechanic is great, don't know why there's so much hate for it. All classes that use channeled spells (think grab round/ tracer missile spammers) would love to have knockbacks and interrupt immunity whilst channeling.


Cover sucks, i see a gunslinger/sniper in cover i just run out off his range, then all those fancy things he got is no good now, are they?

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The class is shunned simply because it damage is comparable to other classes and the other classes have better skill packages (e.g. escape moves like force speed) and/or are more efficiently in gameplay (e.g. you need to cover, then use your aoe pushback while other classes simply trigger there's. You think that's no issue? Play Hutball).


Root is like a stun for marksman snipers because they cannot go into cover. Great game design


The sniper trees have hardly any synergy in itself nor with each other and some talents are simply worthless (e.g. sniper volley)


The biggest issue is, however, mitigation. Marksman damage has to hit, then pass EVERY defense available (not an issue for many classes) which makes dpsing a tank a bad joke. And, as it seems the issue gets bigger with each set of gear (there's a thread in the sniper forum)

Of course you can go lethality (dot spec). However, then your whole talent tree gets destroyed by...1 dispel. The dispel is 1 cast and has a shorter cd than your 3 cast setup. Whew!



So, just some tidbits why snipers are shunned.



The cover mechanic is great, don't know why there's so much hate for it. All classes that use channeled spells (think grab round/ tracer missile spammers) would love to have knockbacks and interrupt immunity whilst channeling.


I doubt you pvp then. The cover mechanic has delays, sometimes doesn't trigger at all on some surfaces, and skills which have cover as a prerequesite simply stop firing.


But yes, why hate that?



And about knockback immunity...you need to pop entrench to have that. Actually the best way to fight a sniper is to kick him from cover and he loses time to get back.


However, it was clear that you don't play a sniper.

Edited by Desgarden
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I doubt you pvp then. The cover mechanic has delays, sometimes doesn't trigger at all on some surfaces, and skills which have cover as a prerequesite simply stop firing.


But yes, why hate that?


You cant cover when youre rooted either, for some stupid reason.

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It's a very underplayed class because at the moment our counterpart (smuggler/operative) can do just as much damage while being able to heal, and stealth. We never shine in the post-fight report because we don't have the AoE abilities to do a ton of damage. Unless we spec a certain way (sabslinger) we don't do more than 200k in a warzone, ever.


The cover mechanic needs a little work, but overall it isn't bad. World cover tends to block enemies from sight for no reason sometimes. Not to mention if you go behind a wall you've rendered us useless. In a 1v1 fight we don't have enough stuns/stun breaks to win many fights, simply because everyone has so many of them. We do have the 4 second junk kick, but then we must get into cover, which takes a second, and then channel our shots, which takes more time. So in general, our stuns don't help us burst you down at all. Our 20 second no interrupt ability is by far our best, and the cooldown isn't bad either, but upon using it we become a sitting duck.


All in all the class works, but being that it is supposed to be "pure dps" it is on the underpowered side. We have an enormous amount of abilities, and only 2-3 are useless. But it's definitely underrated, because they are a lot of fun to play in a good group.

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I doubt you pvp then. The cover mechanic has delays, sometimes doesn't trigger at all on some surfaces, and skills which have cover as a prerequesite simply stop firing.


But yes, why hate that?


What he said.


Until that <profanity> is fixed, it's hard to say how well snipers/gunslingers do, since we're gimped like crazy by this broken game.

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It's a very underplayed class because at the moment our counterpart (smuggler/operative) can do just as much damage while being able to heal, and stealth. We never shine in the post-fight report because we don't have the AoE abilities to do a ton of damage. Unless we spec a certain way (sabslinger) we don't do more than 200k in a warzone, ever.


lolwat? I consistently put up over 300k damage, and have pushed 400-450k+ numerous times. And most my points are in marksman...

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Seen any lately? They are almost non existent on my server... I have 2 alts 1 is a 41 Guardian and the other is a 40 gunslinger... I'm not sure which to take to 50. I struggle to find any real top quality pvp footage on them, and rarely see them in Warzones...


Are Gunslingers/Snipers Underpowered? or people just hate to play this class in general over the other options?


If anyone could find 50vs50 footage of gunslinger/sniper it would be appreciated.

I'm also wondering if BioWare is going to maybe buff this AC since its barely played in Warzones?


This class requires you to play really well to be effective. And you can't get any healing or protection medals which means you will gain rank and gear even slower than all other classes.

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I doubt you pvp then. The cover mechanic has delays, sometimes doesn't trigger at all on some surfaces, and skills which have cover as a prerequesite simply stop firing.


But yes, why hate that?


So your only problems with it are bugs rather than the mechanic itself?


Sure, it's annoying when it doesn't work, but when they iron out the issues I think the mechanic is actually good.

Edited by Transcend
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So your only problems with it are bugs rather than the mechanic itself?


Sure, it's annoying when it doesn't work, but when they iron out the issues I think the mechanic is actually good.


Whether or not the mechanic (self-root) is good or not...is impossible to say until the f...ehum..."darn" thing works. We can't really have a proper discussion about cover/crouch as long as it is broken.

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So your only problems with it are bugs rather than the mechanic itself?


Sure, it's annoying when it doesn't work, but when they iron out the issues I think the mechanic is actually good.


No real cover benefits - check.

Roots prevent cover - check.

Wastes whole global cooldown - check.

Zero mobility - check.


What's not to hate?

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we don't do more than 200k in a warzone, ever.


If i get in at the begging of the game i can rock 250K at lvl 39 easily


All in all the class works, but being that it is supposed to be "pure dps" it is on the underpowered side. We have an enormous amount of abilities, and only 2-3 are useless. But it's definitely underrated, because they are a lot of fun to play in a good group.
I will disagree here, not that your opinion is invalid, but from a personal perspective smugglers (slingers specifically) have a very unique style to them. Im rarely in cover longer than it takes to pop off an aimed shot+sabo charge. I'm not sure if you've tried the dirty fighting tree yet. May want to give it a go.


I'm ok with the percieved notion that slingers and their imperial counterpart are "meh." I enjoy the fact that the people im facing now have no thoughts to counter internal damage. I look forward to dancing with the TTU crew at 50. As i said before, it has a unique style to it and once you can get into that bullet ballet mentality it all comes together.

Edited by ackomo
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No real cover benefits - check. Can provide worthwhile defensive benefits

Roots prevent cover - check.

Wastes whole global cooldown - check. It is off the GCD...

Zero mobility - check.


What's not to hate?


Fixed part of what you said for you


Entrench every 45 seconds keeps you immune from all CC... you get some serious burst, especially with cooldowns...


I don't think you've ever played this class, or you're just terrible

Edited by ihateyouall
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Fixed part of what you said for you


Entrench every 45 seconds keeps you immune from all CC... you get some serious burst, especially with cooldowns...


I don't think you've ever played this class, or you're just terrible


Pipe down, kid. This is not my opinion, I'm demonstrating why some people can get frustrated with this mechanic. Judging by your responce though you are either sorc or rocket *******.

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Pipe down, kid. This is not my opinion, I'm demonstrating why some people can get frustrated with this mechanic. Judging by your responce though you are either sorc or rocket *******.


I'm a sniper so when you say Cover is on GCD, it makes you sound retarded. When you say there's no defensive perks, then you have clearly never played the class.


If you don't like the class fine, but don't go around talking about things you know nothing about.

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The cover mechanic is great, don't know why there's so much hate for it. All classes that use channeled spells (think grab round/ tracer missile spammers) would love to have knockbacks and interrupt immunity whilst channeling.


Because it takes away your mobility and replaces it with skills you should always have access to.

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It's shunned because imperial agents have close to zero utility, snipers/GS even less.


It's shunned because doing well with a sniper/GS requires your IQ to be over 90, which the majority of people fail to possess.


It's shunned because it's "hard" in pve (most bads quit because of this alone).


You don't see them much because they're imperial agents/smugglers, which are the least played base classes in the game (yet sorcs insist on calling them fotm).

Edited by wixxkruppel
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Fixed part of what you said for you


Entrench every 45 seconds keeps you immune from all CC... you get some serious burst, especially with cooldowns...


I don't think you've ever played this class, or you're just terrible


Actually, what he said is mostly true. Entrench could be replaced with huge "Shoot me, I will stand still" sign. Only decent benefit that cover actually provides is not being able to be force leaped. Thats it.

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We never shine in the post-fight report because we don't have the AoE abilities to do a ton of damage. Unless we spec a certain way (sabslinger) we don't do more than 200k in a warzone, ever.


We have one of the best AoE's in the game :S I routinely pull between 250k - 350k a match (sometimes over) whilst actually playing the objectives. You just have to pick your targets well this is coming from a Sharpshooter perspective.


We do have a few niggling issues such as:


Tank mitigation.

Being pretty damn squisy.

Snares preventing us from using cover.

Ability lag (however this has improved and it doesn't affect just us).

Cover bugging (although people should be using crouch).

Instant charged burst bugging out entering cover.


Overall nothing too major, just niggles as I feel we are the most balanced class in the game. Stealth detection would be nice though.

Edited by Beelzebubs
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