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So I respec'ed Focus last night...


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And after I couldn't solo a Strong w/ 2 standard group, I respec'ed back to watchman literally 7 minutes later. I was BARELY able to take down an elite. Seriously, after going from watchman to focus I can really see why everyone is griping about how underpowered sent's are. My DPS and survivablity were so significantly reduced, it was ridiculous.



Anyways, I'm back in watchman and happy as a clam. I only switched in the first place because I figure'd I'd give Focus a shot out of curiously.



Anyone with similar experiences or was I just doing it entirely all wrong? lvl 37 btw

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I've been using Focus from 30-43ish and I have no problem with it. One charged Force sweep will annihilate most normal mob packs (guaranteed ~3200 dmg). I was considering going back to Watchman but I really hate managing dots. :|
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With Doc, I can take on 2 gold + strong if Saber Ward is up and 2 strong + gold with just Rebuke at lvl 50 in Focus spec.


You were obviously doing something very wrong. If you thought you could understand how Focus works and master it in a few hours, think again. Took me about 1-2 days to start being really good at it and solo daily H2.


Granted, I feel Watchman to be better overall for PvE flashpoints/ops, Focus is perfectly fine for leveling and dailies. I'd even say it's better for those specifically as you often have pack of mobs to deal with.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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The healing bonus in the watchman tree is nice, but with a good healer and even doc.. focus can kick butt..


ive read about people getting over 5k sweeps!! thats 25k dmg to a pack in one sweep and when you get force exhaustion skill, you can alt between that and stasis to sweep more often


so you should be able to do 80-100k dmg to a pack of 5 in under 1 minute...Watchman does not even compete!!

Edited by morgadan
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The healing bonus in the watchman tree is nice, but with a good healer and even doc.. focus can kick butt..


ive read about people getting over 5k sweeps!! thats 25k dmg to a pack in one sweep and when you get force exhaustion skill, you can alt between that and stasis to sweep more often


so you should be able to do 80-100k dmg to a pack of 5 in under 1 minute...Watchman does not even compete!!


23s actually at level 50. Most things are dead by the 2nd Sweep, so around 14s.


1st Sweep at 5s, weaks are dead, standard are left with about 20-30%.

2nd Sweep at 14-15s all weak/standard dead, grey are also dead if you used surge relic and power adrenal.


Then generally gold is about 30-40% health will die on the 3rd Sweep + BS at 23-24s give or take a few HPs given you did a MS on it at some point during the whole triple combo thing.


Watchman is only better on solo Elite+ mobs.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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