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Level of Romanceability/Am I bugged?


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So, I'm now a level 43 smuggler, and I still haven't had any romance options (barring flirts, at first) with any of my female companions. Is this normal? I do choose the "flirt" option with non-companion females (and sometimes take a -2 affection hit if I have a female comp with me), but I don't see why that would matter. I mean, in game, no comp has even talked to me about romance so I don't see why my side flirting would negate any romance options.


Thoughts? Is this a bug? If you've played a smuggler, when did you start getting romance options?

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Trying to avoid spoilers here...but the last time I had a conversation with any of them, of any gender (except my recent companion I just got from Hoth of course) was maybe around level 36? I've accomplished all class quests up through Hoth, and now I'm back on Nar Shadaa once again. The Nar Shadaa class was yellow at level 42, and is green now that I'm 43, so I'm on par with where I "should" be level-wise.


Not really spoilers below, but covering it up anyways, just in case people don't want to know names.



Corso = 4600 affection. Did the mission with the cousin on Coruscant. Haven't had a convo option since. Then again, I don't really care to feed him gifts or take him anywhere, sooo.


Bowdaar = 4900 affection. The last time he talked to me was 10 levels back about his homeworld or some such.


Risha = 8400 affection. Last time we talked was a flirt option several levels back. She asked how I intended to retire and I was like "marry a rich queen" or somesuch. lol


Akaavi = 8500 affection. Last time we talked was a flirt option several levels back.


Guss = Just got him.





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Get to Chapter 3 and see if that unlocks any new conversations. I haven't done a Smuggler playthough yet, so I don't know when the "romances" start. It doesn't seem like you are short on affection though, so hitting Cahpter 3 is the only thing left to try(seems like it should be Chapter 3 shortly after your current mission).
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Just answered my own question, lol. Yes, it is when you complete Chapter 2. All of a sudden I have a bazillion convo options with my 2 female companions. Their convos alone gave me (at level 43) 8 bars of XP so far! Now I have to make The Choice... :-/




Edited by Emrakkia
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