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Slicing at L50, Skill 400: Keep / Drop?


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What are the reasons to keep slicing once you've hit cap (skill and player level)?



  • Minor credit gains from sending companions off on Missions
  • Chance to gain blue/purple Mission Discovery's
  • Pick up Credit Cases in the wild
  • FP bonuses (not sure if these are really that useful / necessary)



Personally I think I'm sitting on plenty of credits and don't have anything to spend them on (other than repairs and the occasional upgrade at the market), so I'd like to pick up Diplomacy to pair with Bio, but I'm hesitant to drop a 400 skill that does make me money.



Edited by irSOLUS
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On a reroll toon of mine. I took Slicing/Archaeology/Underworld Trading, as a Juggernaut.


Using Slicing to load me with credits while I level, and until they buff the rest of the crew skills.


Once that happens, then I am gonna drop it, grab Synthweaving, and power-level it to 400 with all my banked materials.


In your case, unless you need to make something with a high need for Diplomacy-sourced materials right now, I wouldn't waste the time. Wait til they do the crew skill buffs/balancing they said, and then decide.


You can always roll an alt toon to level 10, give him Diplomacy, and just have em sit in the Cantina.

Edited by ZeroEdgeir
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I personally will keep slicing on every toon as the income revenue it provides is quick and very easy to manage. The bread and butter of course being the 340 artifact treasure hunting and slicing missions. On my server they go for approximately 30k each and are very easy to move. In the end I press a button, generate credits and have few items I need to manage on a daily basis. This isnt even accounting for all the boxes I slice while doing dailies which range from 1000 all the way up to 5000 credits depending on what box you get in return. At the moment in sitting on 5m credits with my first 50 toon last week. Just my two cents, take care.
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Good input.


Why buy the mats when I can get them running missions though? And I can of course sell extra mat's for profit, as well as the stim's / adrenals / etc that I make from Bio. Without any significant credit-sink, what's the point in acquiring 5 million credits? For some, that's a goal and that's fine...for me, if there's no utility in it, I see no reason to shoot for that.


I agree it makes sense to leave an alt running Diplo missions for the mats; I get that. It's more about ease of use--logging off main, logging on alt, running missions, logging off, etc.


Appreciate the input thus far. There's no doubt slicing is a very easily managed credit source, and I definitely like that.

Edited by irSOLUS
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I almost dropped Slicing in favor of Underworld Trading, after the nerf, to pair with my Cybertech and Scavenging skills.


Instead, I rolled an alt with UT, and I'm extremely glad I went that route. The reason is, Slicing is an extremely nice complimentary skill. I don't even run normal UT missions, generally, I just run unlocked missions that I obtain through Slicing, which last over 2 hours, so it's not like I need to log on and off constantly.


With Diplo, it's probably even better, as those are much more common drops than UT missions.


But, if that seems like a bother to you, then it's not like anyone really needs Slicing. It's a nice skill for boosting other skills, but it's not vital.

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I had 400 slicing, and after the nerf (and some looking into it and thinking a while on it) I dropped it and grabbed Treasure Hunting instead to help with my crafting. Really the slicing missions are not great for money, you at best get a small gain back, but often times I spent more then I got back for a mission. Really the only 2 ways slicing is really profitable is getting a crit on your mission, or just slicing world nodes. And even with 400 skill I noticed no crit chance bonus to lower tier missions.


Really this isn't much of an issue anyways, if you have 4-5 companions to send out to level mission/gathering skills, then getting 400 is a joke. I got 400 Treasure Hunting in 2 days by constantly sending out 5 companions. So if you ever decide to pick up slicing again and want it to 400 then dump a little bit of creds and time and you can have 400 in just a few days play.

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