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Premade heroic raids clear heroics quicker than pugs


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/Yawn, PvP'ers who just wants to run premade and stomp pubs are just wannabe posers who think they are cool and skilled. Same thing happened in WoW and HoN, as soon as they start doing arenas or rated BGs or ranked game they are usually put into their rightful low rating place.


As a PvP'er I would rather be queue'ed against the best premade in my server then a pug 100% of the time, even if I am very close to a PvP reward.

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I find it quite funny that everyone who has had something negative to say about my posts have failed magnificently at using the quote function. It's square bracket quote square bracket to start a quote, square bracket backslash quote square bracket to end one.


You adapt words to women by quoting Goethe, Byron, Keats or another poet. Intelligence can be applied in many areas including the pursuit of a quality member of the fairer sex, not someone a person picks up after the person paid for the woman in question to drink them pretty and their personality bearable.


As for the quality player issue, I find that playing with quality players against quality players is much more conducive towards my enjoyment. The reason for this is that overcoming a challenge triggers reward mechanisms in my brain, whereas stealing candy from a baby does not.


I would tend to agree with you here. Most people in this thread seem to have missed why the comparison of group pve to group pvp doesn't work. To those people, I would say that group pve isn't a competition between players. If one guild raids something faster than others, it doesn't matter to the slower group because they aren't in direct competition (simply bragging rights I imagine.) However, in pvp, players are in direct competition and this affects their enjoyment of the game. All of that said, I feel that grouping should be rewarded, so I'd like to see a few things added to support that. My ideal system would work something like this:


1. More money, exp, valor, and tokens for group vs. group pvp - This seems fairly reasonable to me. While pve and pvp aren't directly analogous, most MMOs reward the effort it takes to group up, and I agree with that kind of system.


2. Preferential Group vs. Group placement - If people queue as a group, the game should make every effort to place them against another group.


3. Cross-server queues - This might already be in, but I'm not sure about that (didn't seem like in the few matches I played yesterday.) This would make preferential matching much much easier on the system, ensuring that pugs vs. group +pugs wouldn't happen that often.


I feel like these 3 things would be massively helpful, and they accomplish the goals of encouraging grouping without frustrating the solo player.

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