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End Game Content


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WoW's endgame at launch was MUCH worse.


To put it in perspective, WoW didn't have battlegrounds at launch, had two raids at launch, all the content had been cleared for months before a third raid was added, the classes were pigeon-holed into certain roles without any choice from the player (if you had a heal, you were a healer, no exceptions), there were thousands of bugs (they counted), and the replay-value was crap.


TOR has hundreds of hours of more content than WoW did.


As someone who leveled a lock in WoW from the start as least I could do it without finding myself face down in the dirt all the time doing "solo" content... at least I felt epic as I leveled, not under-powered and tired of being ganked.


End game is all I am holding out for at this point and just wish I could by pass the entire story, I guess I'm getting tired of leveling and hoping like heck this time I have picked a toon that can solo decently.

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SWTOR has the RPG portion nailed down perfectly.


Now they need to flesh out the MMO parts of the game.


Personally, I think they made the right choice. They could have added tons of endgame content, but made leveling stale and miserable.


Then nobody would be having fun until 50.


Wouldn't that be fun?


Actually, I don't think they do...


The worlds are empty, on-rails 'levels' which one just steams through to level and complete the class quest with extra killing quests along the way - the actual environment seems lacklustre - no unique shops, no real economy to speak of, no actually meaningful NPCs other than mobs... I just reached level 50 and whilst I enjoyed the class quest on the way there, the worlds were just like desktop themes for the same hack-slash to the end all the way through - it just seems like the locations in the game don't have any purpose except for running around killing everything in it then leaving.


I have no reason to revisit anywhere anymore, it's sad - and now I'm stuck between doing seemingly pointless daily quests on Ilum, and the occasional enjoyable hard flashpoints (and I need to try my hand at some ops) but the majority of the galaxy seems wasted. There's nothing happening in it, no reason for it to exist once you've 'cleared' the zone :(

Edited by QuiQuaeQuod
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lol wut? Someone didn't play Vanilla. WoW took me significantly longer to level and I choose what zones to level in to boot. It took me and my guildies months to reach 60, and when we did the content lasted over a year to finally clear and we loved every second of it. This game? lol.


not really. Vanllia WoW just had a slower leveling process ie quests and mobs gave less xp so leveling was slower. Many times in vanila i would be done all the quests and had to grind mobs for XP. They changed that around BC time and made it much faster to level.


Plus once you leveled 1 character you had pretty much seen it all except for the starting areas.


Actual Content wise I would have to say SWTOR has more.

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Ilum open world pvp was not designed to be zerked, the faction unbalance makes that possible, it's a work in progress, please stop crying!?


So, people who paid $60 to purchase the game and $15 each month they play can't be upset that what they're paying for doesn't work?! How does that make any sense?


3 pvp instances is more then other mmo's had at launch.


If I remember correctly, Rift launched with 4 warfronts. You could choose to queue up for a specific one or all of them. Shortly after launch they released another one and soon after that they created alternate versions of the ones that already existed. Just saying...


Flashpoint hardmodes were mostly fixed long ago and are enjoyable, especially if you skipped them during leveling like your supposed to since mission are the best source of credits.


They were fixed like a week or two ago. The fact that flashpoints weren't dropping loot for 2-3 weeks is almost inexcusable to a lot of people and I don't really blame them.


Operations are highly enjoyable and pretty much bug free at this point.


Oh really?! This week's Eternity Vault raid would like to disagree with you. We had people dying on the speeders for no reason. We had bosses resetting at 7%. We had platforms not being put together. We had people fall over dead for absolutely no reason.


And now let's have a little chat about normal mode gear distribution. The game assigns gear to people in the raid regardless of whether or not they can use it or already have it or if other people need it more. If you are saying that operations are bug free and highly enjoyable you obviously don't participate in them.


Farming Datacrons was really enjoyable but took a while.


Farming Datacrons is boring for some people. Also, I know people who got them all in just a few short hours. Could have been even faster if it wasn't such a pain in the butt to travel from one planet to another.


Unlocking and crafting 50 epics for selling is enjoyable.


Wow, really?! It's fun making dozens of a blue item and reverse engineering all of them for a chance to get the purple?! Some people have claimed to have made hundreds of a particular item and still not getting the upgraded recipe after breaking them all down. Also, selling the epics on the GTN might actually be enjoyable if the system worked better (and if people actually bought them, it's so quick and easy to get PvP gear most of the stuff I put on the GTN never sells). The only crafting profession that is worth having is Biochem, even after the minor nerf.


Overall end game content is GREAT!


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, after reading your post, I find it hard to believe you have even reached max level, let alone done anything there.

Edited by Nymaeria
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As someone who leveled a lock in WoW from the start as least I could do it without finding myself face down in the dirt all the time doing "solo" content... at least I felt epic as I leveled, not under-powered and tired of being ganked.


End game is all I am holding out for at this point and just wish I could by pass the entire story, I guess I'm getting tired of leveling and hoping like heck this time I have picked a toon that can solo decently.


Why play a game and skip the story? This is what I hated about WoW. Everyone wanted to get to lvl cap asap but I'd guess that over half the players in wow don't know the stories behind the endgame stuff, they just know they get better gear that will give them bigger numbers in a box that isn't really part of the game.

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