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Request: Sentinel Love in Tuesday's Patch


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yeahing moving PS from 6 to an 8 to 10 second duration might just be the difference between doing not enough to the just right amount of burst, I think you have to be careful tweaking it though cause you could easily make it too powerful..


I am currently playing watchman and switched off combat shortly after hitting 50 though will go back and try it again after the "**** watchman is fun affect wears off." That being said I think our class is rewarding and some tweaks will help but our class is far far from broken and no where near as broken as some people on this forum want you to believe, I have been 50 for just over a week run about 550 expertise and hit like truck and deal a good amount of damage in warzones but more so, feel valuable in objective situations wether its controling and killing healers, assiting in flag running, or just being a nusiance on nodes/doors.

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Worse, with how ability delays have been going, I haven't even been able to get 4 Zen'd Blade Rushes in---.
It's currently impossible to have four (or more) Zen'd Blade Rushes within a single PS because currently Zen doesn't reduce the GCD for Blade Rush. :\
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