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assault vs gunnary PvP 50


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basicly i want some in depth info on why i would go one way or the other for pvp


im 25 (while im typing this)


i understand that gunnery is more turret (stationary) and assault is more mobile


but lets say....i have 4 sorcs running at me (which is the case with pvp atm) i want to do as much damage to a single target before i get killed...for this situation im gaurding (door/turret) so i cant go far...so i can kite but not run off... i know grav round is a game changer for gunnery (lvl 20 or 11 points in gunnery tree)....and rain of fire for assault (lvl 32 or 23 points in assault).... but in this case i am 50 and for sake of the argument im naked so no stats at all on gear and the wep is a white lvl 1. oh and im pure build...so thos extra points are in the said tree....GO!!!


this isnt a ''which is better'' thread, this is a ''pro's and con's'' thread...

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I've played both some, each have their strengths.


For which you'd be able do kill one of the sorcs with fastest, gunnery. You can hit for 3.9k with demo rounds.


For which you'd be able to delay the longest with, assault. Assuming they're grouped together, plasma grenade+incendiary rounds can delay flag capping through dots alone.


The real difference is play style, there really is no 'good or bad' spec for PvP. Do you like to hang back while getting medals such as demolisher? Go gunnery for those big crits. Do you like being mobile? go assault for supporting the team.


Honestly, I would say this.


As gunnery, I could kill maybe one or two using knockbacks strategically.


As assault, I would have trouble killing on a time crunch, but I could delay the inevitable capture of whatever node I was guarding for longer.

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