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Put the MMO part of the game in.


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I know there are bugs etc.


But IHMO its not the biggest problem with the game or indeed the most pressing concern right now.


The biggest problem is as of now this game is basically a Single player sequel to KOTOR, I'm saying it and many are saying it as well.


As the overall content is pretty good, the game falls flat on its backside in one key and fundemental area.


There's no MMO, it's multiplayer but not a MMO, from the server design and layout to the enviroments themselves and how the user interacts with them.


You can wander and never see anyone on a planet, PVP can be hard to get into because of lack of players etc.


There's no Market because of the daft crafting system which makes end game crafting virtually pointless, except biochem.


Bugs are one thing but while many other MMO's have had shakey starts they had the base framework of the game in place this one doesn't.


Serious work need to take place as a matter of urgency to reorganise the servers and indeed how you go about it on a fundemental level, there's many many examples of MMo's that have vibrant enviroments far better than this game with hgiher populations.


Crafting needs to be far more important end game and indeed there need to be a proper ingame economy and market to support it.


And above all it needs to happen quickly if this games to survive.

Edited by Hawk-Firestorm
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As much as I can understand why they include them, I really think Instances in the respective planets need to go. You're right. Even when there are 80 people in a planet, I never see anyone else running around, unless I'm on a starter planet.


The people are around they're just shoved into instances. It's frustrating. It takes away the mmo aspect of the game. :/

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This is the "Suggestion Box," not the "Complaint Box." As it stands, your post is more of a demand/request with spelling/grammar errors than a suggestion. You've obviously identified a "problem," but you haven't made an attempt to give ideas or make suggestions as to how to solve said "problem." Please, try to add in some constructive thoughts to this post to help BioWare come up with a solution to your concern(s).
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As much as I can understand why they include them, I really think Instances in the respective planets need to go. You're right. Even when there are 80 people in a planet, I never see anyone else running around, unless I'm on a starter planet.


The people are around they're just shoved into instances. It's frustrating. It takes away the mmo aspect of the game. :/


I agree, but I am not too concerned about it. They stated a long time ago that they planned on removing planet-wide instances in the future, and they also said that they may even be able to remove all instances (except obvious ones needed for missions) completely from the game. The only thing we can do right now is wait. They are aware that these instances break up the community.

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