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Heat VS Ammo


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Merc´s really have a higher regen rate.

Merc´s regenerate at max regen 5% heat till they are above 39%? heat (don´t know if that´s the exact number.. just checked on my new created merc that at 37% it´s still max and at 40% it lowers to 3%).

Commando´s regenerate ammo till they are above 33,33% so that´s no difference you can simply ignore.


Grav Round / TM spamming as already mentioned with Sticky Grenade / Explosive Dart before spamming in order to start ammo/heat regeneration.

Merc. :

ED + 2 TM spamming means 48 Heat after 4,5 seconds. In 4 Seconds you regenerate 20% so you are at 28 Heat and at max regen.

ED + 3 TM spamming means cost of 64 Heat after 6 seconds. So you regenerate 30% heat so you are still at 34% of Heat and at max regen.

ED + 4 TM cost of 80 after 7,5 seconds. Regnerated heat 35% so you are at 45% and after 8 sec you are down to 45% - 0,5*5% - 0,5*3%= 41% Max regen would start again after 2/3 seconds.


So same now for Commando.....

SG + 2 GR = 6 Ammo after 4,5 seconds. regeneration of 2,4 Ammo so you are at 12 - 3,6 = 8,4 Ammo and still at max regen.

SG + 3 GR = 8 Ammo after 6 seconds. regeneration of 3,6 Ammo so you are now at 12 - 5,4 = 7,6 so you are already down to 0,36 Ammo per second.

So now it gets worse. After 7 Seconds you are still not back at max regen 7,6 + 0,36 = 7,96.


The effect gets worse when having alacrity and it again gets worst when doing burst damage with demolition round/heatseeker missiles.

ED + TM + HM means 48 Heat after 3 seconds. Regeneration of 15 Heat so you are at 33% Heat and max regen.

SG + GR + DR means 6 Ammo after 3 seconds. Regeneration of 1,8 Ammo so you are at 12 - 4,2 = 7,8 Ammo

And so on. I don´t think you can ignore that big difference.


Of course in PvE you will always want to stay at max regen rate and if you do so there´s just a difference when starting the fight.

In PVP the merc just has really a big advantage in doing burst damage and still staying at full regen rate.


In addition Plasma Cell bug where the first DoT tick is missing while Combustible Gas Cylinder does that first damage tick when inflicting an enemy and the whole problems in animations Merc´s are just the better choice in every way.

Do Merc´s have any disadvantages compared to Commando ?


I´m quite surprised after writing this together how huge it really is. So if there are any mistakes please correct me.


Edited by Littlegnat
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Considering all the other blatant imbalance between mirrorclasses in this game. If it feels imbalanced, looks imbalanced and number clearly states its imbalanced, ITS IMBALANCED.


When it comes to the ridiculous disparity between trooper and BH between casting animations, trooper ability lag, less ammo/regen etc. its just clear that BW just dont care. They are not mirrors, they are similiar but different classes, and BH is simply better, with faster attacks and a larger, faster resourcepool.

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Considering all the other blatant imbalance between mirrorclasses in this game. If it feels imbalanced, looks imbalanced and number clearly states its imbalanced, ITS IMBALANCED.


When it comes to the ridiculous disparity between trooper and BH between casting animations, trooper ability lag, less ammo/regen etc. its just clear that BW just dont care. They are not mirrors, they are similiar but different classes, and BH is simply better, with faster attacks and a larger, faster resourcepool.



i think you are being a bit over dramatic about it.


the main imbalance between the sides is always animation times on the abilities, not resources, damage, or whatnot else. its just that lightning is faster than rocks, rockets are faster than mortars, and it seems like republic keeps getting the short end of the stick on the deal.


while it is frustrating when the side you chose seems to have gotten a bit less attention, i hardly think this indicates some conspiracy where BW loves empire and doesnt care if republic is slower.


its more likely somewhere in the chain of developers is someone who made a bad design decision and at this point its difficult and expensive to go in and change animations, at least compared to just adjusting how much damage an ability does or some other minor balance fix, so it keeps getting put off while they think about how they want to deal with it.

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No it does not. That's bad math on somebodies part. The game calculates it the exact same for both classes, we just have a different GUI. Just look at missle blast or w/e it's called. 25 heat and ours is 3 ammo.


The game rounds for UI, not for actual calculations.


oh really? do you have a combat log that none of us have? because I would be willing to bet there are a number of abilities that ignore the global cool down and people aren't telling anyone heck they probably don't even know. It wouldn't be the first time with this Dev team no offense to them but there was a fire wizard issue in war hammer for those of you that played and remember and the only way people found out was a combat log. and we vanguards are not enjoying hearing comments like this week from the dev team that the list is getting shorter and most all the issues are fixed when our mortar strike is still delayed and auto shot cause a temporary stun while the target is getting hit with it like it says for the ability I believe the abilities name is auto shot I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.


Sad part is I believe that there is a difference in the heat dispersal and our ammo loss and there has got to be a reason many different posts are coming out saying the two least played classes for the republic side are the scoundrel and the vanguard. I love my vanguard and unlike alot of people i'm not trying to turn him in to a DPSing tank, I play him as a damage mitigatigator I guard fellow players, my 2 problems that make things difficult: Mortar strike telegraphs it self for 2 seconds before it strikes so if you get hit by it you have a good healer and probably don't mind or your not paying attention, shield spec.


currently our shield only protects us against 2 of the 4 types of damage and since Wound in the force, my server, well probably 45% of the imps are sorcs (that might be a slight exaggeration by 5% or 10% maybe) and run together since I guess they are a one trick pony? Lightning seems to be all they do but it hurts when they can go thru a full rotation and none of my shields or absorbs protect me against that lightning. I'm turning 50 tonight. most likely and I am currently Valor rank 45, my guess though is on Illum there are a very high number of sorcs that run in packs together, and if the classes are mirrors why do we not have alot of sages? because they don't deliver damage in the same way sorcs do? what reason do you sages think your class doesn't seem to be as popular as sorcs?

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Not true. Bounty Hunters heat system regens 4% faster, and has a pool 4% larger. Everything that costs 1 cell, creates 8 heat. Therefor 12 cells = 96 heat. This is not the case. They have 100. As for the regen, I forget the exact numbers but their regen would equate to us having 0.625 ammo regen at the highest bracket, where we have 0.60.


That plus the animation delays, and lack of pushbacks are pretty silly when all added together.


I smart... but i think its cause this, but not sure why

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