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Failing on the Mission Discovery crew skill missions


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I've had plenty of mission failures on the regular crew skill missions, but today was my first on a Mission Discovery one. Had a 340 Underworld Trading (Hijack), 3000+ credit cost and 2.5 hours duration fail on me.


Any others experience a failure on the Mission Discoveries? Curious as to what the failure chance on those are.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I sent two companions on two Mission Discoveries and both came back failed. Ugh. It's so frustrating getting a failure on these and now I'm really hesitant purchasing anymore Mission Discoveries on the GTN.


It would be nice to have a 100% success rate. :)

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I am curious to know what affection level the companions being sent on them are as well as the levels of missions failing. I have done probably 50 or more of the mission discoveries and have not failed a single one but then again I only send high affection companions on them. High affection is supposed to effect the success rate, crit, and time it takes to complete missions.
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I've had a few failures and couple mission failures. All in all the failures add absolutely nothing to the crew missions. They don't make them "funner" or more exciting they just add frustration when they do fail so I'm not sure why its even possible to fail.


Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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In regards to the affection level, I would say that my companion's affection level was at the appropriate level for my character level. The Mission Discovery that Kaliyo was sent out was a 115, my character level was 24, and affection level was over 3500.


The droid also failed, but he's terrible to begin with. :) I have had other Mission Discovery failures on my level 50 toon, that has very high affection levels.


BW has stated that the cost of the Mission Discoveries is worth it due to the high returns you get. However, when there is a chance of failure and the RNG is out to get you, the Mission Discoveries are not worth the cost. (Yes I know the RNG is not out to get me. It just seems that way ALL the time.) :D

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Max affection companions with +crit to their mission type and max skill can still fail 340 schematic missions.




I've failed the 340 skill missions with max skill (400) and high/maxed affection. I think that I've failed three so far. It is uncommon, but it happens more than I'd like for max skill.

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I've had a few fail. At this point, I wait until my crew skill is at least 30 points higher than the mission level before I bother sending my crew out on them. Waste of money for them to fail like that. I wish the blue/purple missions couldn't fail like that.
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I've only had one purple quality 340 investigation mission fail on me my skill lvl was high and the companion I used has 10k affection.


However I can normally chain run fairly high lvl mission discoveries on my 10k affection companion without fails or hardly any.


I think your best bet is... again this is just a theory I have - If you're afraid of failing a mission make sure you either do it on a fairly high affection companion or don't chain run em after doing one wait an hour two. (or do both =)

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Gray missions will never fail.


I thought the same until my companion failed a gray underworld trading discovery mission. My character was level 44, my companion was 8203 affection, and UT skill was 400. I filed a ticket and got a generic we can't help you but have passed on the info reply via email.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've done a few hundred 300 and 340 UT ans Scavenging missions since getting all my companions to 10 affection. The best was the time I was crafting spaceship parts on one companion and sent the other 4 out on the exact same mission. When I logged back on all 4 were failures. Meh, I still have about 60 more missions to burn through right now.
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I've had my share of failed bonus missions as well and with different affection and skill levels. Even had grey missions fail. It's not that it happens often, but I think the whole idea of bonus missions being able to fail is wrong. I won't argue that normal missions should have a chance to fail - of course they should and where's the fun if they couldn't? But mission schematics are supposed to be bonus missions, extra rewards from a critical success, and I think they should be a guaranteed success.


The way it is now is like having a combat system where you can land a critical hit, but before damage is dealt an additional check roll is made giving it an extra chance to fail. Come on, BW, a critical hit is a critical hit :)

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