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Taugrim's "Iron Fist" 25/14/2 PVP Tank Spec [Video]


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There are no changes for Patch 1.2 to this spec, as none of its talents were impacted in a significant way.


Unfortunately, the Carolina Parakeet spec is now history :(


For those asking to post what his trees look like please see above.

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I'm sorry to say that I think this spec is simply not good in the post 1.2 metagame. Not that it's poorly designed, but that guarding a healer has now become a liability. Healers are getting zerged down hard and will most likely die whether you guard them or not. Except guarding them now leaves you half-dead instead of full health. The healer is so preoccupied trying to keep himself alive that it's almost impossible to keep the tank topped off as well.


Your best bet is to go full dps and try to take out an opponent before the healer dies. Or at least kill their healer before they kill yours. Since I'm stuck with the Tech set, I was hoping Tactics would be viable but right now the 5-stack snare is broken for Troopers so that just leaves us with Assault. Unfortunately this means I have to grind out the Eliminator set.


However I don't feel sorry for us, I feel sorrier for the pug healers.

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i'm still using this spec and i win 90% of the time solo q but i lose 1vs1 against all class.


another thing perplex me, i really can't handle merc pyro. but i do well vs pt pyro. same when i'm on bodyguard merc. i can outheal (pre 1.2) pt pyro dmg but not merc pyro.

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i'm still using this spec and i win 90% of the time solo q but i lose 1vs1 against all class.


another thing perplex me, i really can't handle merc pyro. but i do well vs pt pyro. same when i'm on bodyguard merc. i can outheal (pre 1.2) pt pyro dmg but not merc pyro.



Pyrotech Powertech (Assault Spec Vanguard) > Tank Vanguard

Tank Vanguard > Pyrotech Mercenary (Assault Spec Commando)


The damage mechanics favor the Pyrotech, since they deal a lot of Elemental damage and their Rail Shot is likely talented for 90% Armor penetration.


The Pyrotech Merc is too reliant on cast-time nukes, which you can interrupt and lockout every 6 seconds.

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I have a Question for my talent spec, If i were to have 1 remaining point, which would provide more survivabilty in PvP and PvE?


Counterattack or Power Screen? (Shield Specalist talent tree)

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This build is a lot of fun. Really great balance of defense and DPS through synergy and well thought-out design. I used it for PvE a while with Assault-type gear and it was a blast, a ton of DPS compared to what I'm used to. But I don't PvP at all and from what I hear that's where it really shines. For straight PvE tanking I'll give up all my DPS to get max survivability so I use a different build nowadays, but every Vanguard owes it to him or herself to try this build awhile, you'll love it.


*this was not a paid advertisement *

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I'm sorry to say that I think this spec is simply not good in the post 1.2 metagame. Not that it's poorly designed, but that guarding a healer has now become a liability. Healers are getting zerged down hard and will most likely die whether you guard them or not. Except guarding them now leaves you half-dead instead of full health. The healer is so preoccupied trying to keep himself alive that it's almost impossible to keep the tank topped off as well.


Your best bet is to go full dps and try to take out an opponent before the healer dies. Or at least kill their healer before they kill yours. Since I'm stuck with the Tech set, I was hoping Tactics would be viable but right now the 5-stack snare is broken for Troopers so that just leaves us with Assault. Unfortunately this means I have to grind out the Eliminator set.


However I don't feel sorry for us, I feel sorrier for the pug healers.



You are dead wrong


It is a great base spec. I use a modified version myself (25-9-7)

I destroy most anyone 1v1 unless they spam heals and those types are still hard for most non-cc classes to solo

Self-buff (trooper/sage) rakata stim and my bonus damage is 480.4 with 8637 armor rating and 18658 health.

Anyone can obtain same stats or better thru augmented WH-CT gear.


I currently use:


BM Supercomnmado Ear

BM Eliminator Implants(x2)

BM Eliminator Vambraces

BM Eliminator Belt

Champion's Relic of Boundless Energy

Yellow Shard Matrix-cube

BM Eliminator Generator (you can still guard with this, you don't need a shield generator)

Custom-built Blaster Rifle (augmented =16 endurance 12 power) with WH (146) rating components

Crafted WH Eliminator (Head, Legs Boots) (augmented =16 endurance 12 power) with 146 rated Combat tech


Crafted WH Eliminator Chest (augmented =16 endurance12 power) with 146 rated Combat Medic mods

BM Combat-tech gloves


I still have items to upgrade


Anyone can do it



PS if you PvP solo anything w/o ion cell is a joke

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I'm sorry to say that I think this spec is simply not good in the post 1.2 metagame. Not that it's poorly designed, but that guarding a healer has now become a liability. Healers are getting zerged down hard and will most likely die whether you guard them or not. Except guarding them now leaves you half-dead instead of full health. The healer is so preoccupied trying to keep himself alive that it's almost impossible to keep the tank topped off as well.


Your best bet is to go full dps and try to take out an opponent before the healer dies. Or at least kill their healer before they kill yours. Since I'm stuck with the Tech set, I was hoping Tactics would be viable but right now the 5-stack snare is broken for Troopers so that just leaves us with Assault. Unfortunately this means I have to grind out the Eliminator set.


However I don't feel sorry for us, I feel sorrier for the pug healers.


Then you are doing it wrong.

As IF spec you have a lot of roots and other utlilities to peel and stop dps,

so your healer has a chance to recover.


Running in Full augmented WH combat tech with power generator and 1 BM power relic.

Having 53,60 white dmg reduction, 980 max dmg and when you lvl up a consular and jedi knight to at least 40

You get their buffs also wich increases dmg and gives you a flat 19% dmg reduction to internal and elemental dmg.


You can still dish out major dmg and stay alive, highest stockstrike i had was 5.2k

Did a stockstrike and suddenly saw annihalator medal, was so busy with fighting that i had to check stats after game ended to see the dmg done.


only good marauders can kill you.

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Taugrim, I'd love to see a complete list of your current gear, armor, earpiece, implants, offhand, relics and weapon, including all modifiers. Stats too if you have the time. Curious to see what the OP wears with this most awesome build.
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Bioware must have gotten some inspiration from Taugrim stat-wise looking at both the War Hero-combat tech set and the War Hero boltblaster-implants/ear. It's plain made for the Iron Fist spec!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright Taugrim, I'd love to hear your take on what is essentially a major Stock Strike nerf with 1.3.


My first thought is, a brother needs to go Eliminator set and push HIB, and relegate SS to a secondary role.



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Well after giving this a bit of thought a few things come to mind.


1) Stock Strike is nerfed. Damn. From 30% to 16% crit chance. Once I wash away the emotion, what this means is basically a longer time to kill or TTK. Sucks but not deal breaking.


2) We have other AOE damage skills that may just make up for the loss to SS.


3) No need for panic (sorry - I certainly did) - let's wait and see how this plays out. No changes to the Iron Fist or gearing until then.


4) Still thinking going Eliminator for the HIB proc vs. Combat tech for the SS bonus could be a good idea. Waiting to see how it all plays out.

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2) We have other AOE damage skills that may just make up for the loss to SS.


I'm not sure about this. There's a boost to Explosive Surge but that ability is pretty energy prohibitive and the spread to our Ion DoT with HiB is going to be pretty situational. And the damage is pretty small since the time is reduced from 9 to 6 seconds. These things might help in PvE but they don't seem to be as great for us for PvP.

Edited by AlyxDinas
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I'm not sure about this. There's a boost to Explosive Surge but that ability is pretty energy prohibitive and the spread to our Ion DoT with HiB is going to be pretty situational. And the damage is pretty small since the time is reduced from 9 to 6 seconds. These things might help in PvE but they don't seem to be as great for us for PvP.


We get a free Explosive Surge from Storm, so i guess we just have to enter that into our rotation with just using the freebie after a storm. This is a big nerf, i'm starting to contemplate if we need to go full tank or not. I don't want to regear...

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I'm trying to see if keeping my Combat Tech mainset but replacing other slots with Supercommando will allow a majority shield spec to be viable. I'm hoping the upped survivability might aid things. I'm not sure though. Hopefully we'll hear from Taugrim about this soon.
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Steady on SC gear, remember how the combat system works, you're only getting 75 cents on the dollar out of defense gear.


I really think i am just sticking with the spec, there is nothing that you can swap around to offset the loss to SS crit.


After some reflection i say the spec still stands, it's solid and TTK is just a wee bit longer, that's all.

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Steady on SC gear, remember how the combat system works, you're only getting 75 cents on the dollar out of defense gear.


I'm only testing using a few pieces to adjust my uptime. If I'm going to be getting a significant damage drop that only really makes up for it with situational damage via the free E.Surges and the HiB DoT, I figure I need to solidly make up for it somewhere else. And the scaling on the DoT seems to be messed up on the PTS so...

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Well my idea is to go 25-3-13 for solo and get the 90% HIB ignoring armor. Prolly tactics will be the better ranked team spec but I don't like NOT using ion cell


If I play long enough (i.e. GW2 sucks) Think will I go SC set 4 set bonus but take out the mods and enhancements (leaving the armoring mods in place) and stack those 2 slots with power ones from CT, Eliminator and the C- Medic chest.


IIRC, SC bonuses are +5% damage while guarding and 2-3? sec shorter CD on storm which is slightly more ES's if I am understanding things correctly.


I actually run this now as I like the better HIB than the 11 other points spent in the tactics tree for standard IF. I also think gut is a POS not traited all the way up. I call it IronFist Shogun though someone has likely done this already or tried it --- LOL


I use incendiary round if I have to, to kick off HIB. I feel for ammo spent per damage, IR is better than an unmodified gut. Just my cursory take on the difference between gut and IR as an enabler, I did not crunch numbers but I do think when migrations are factored in, IR comes out on top


Just my 2 coppers

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Well my idea is to go 25-3-13 for solo and get the 90% HIB ignoring armor. Prolly tactics will be the better ranked team spec but I don't like NOT using ion cell


If I play long enough (i.e. GW2 sucks) Think will I go SC set 4 set bonus but take out the mods and enhancements (leaving the armoring mods in place) and stack those 2 slots with power ones from CT, Eliminator and the C- Medic chest.


IIRC, SC bonuses are +5% damage while guarding and 2-3? sec shorter CD on storm which is slightly more ES's if I am understanding things correctly.


I actually run this now as I like the better HIB than the 11 other points spent in the tactics tree for standard IF. I also think gut is a POS not traited all the way up. I call it IronFist Shogun though someone has likely done this already or tried it --- LOL


I use incendiary round if I have to, to kick off HIB. I feel for ammo spent per damage, IR is better than an unmodified gut. Just my cursory take on the difference between gut and IR as an enabler, I did not crunch numbers but I do think when migrations are factored in, IR comes out on top


Just my 2 coppers


When i look at which tree to couple with shield for the IF build I'm not looking at Gut vs IR, I'm looking at the synergy of the builds. For me, a 6 sec interupt, 2% more damage reduction and the lowered cd on harpoon is stronger then 30% more armor pen on a single ability. Coupled with no "wasted points", i feel like my version of the IF build allows me to do more for my team. To each his own though, and i totally agree with your idea of leaving the armorings and replacing the mod/enhancements with some damage gear from the other sets. Really would like to try it myself since i like the SC bonuses better but i would be spending tons of comms/money on something that i may not even end up liking. Let me know how it works out for ya if you end up trying it.

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