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PVP: Frustrations, and glitches


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Hello world.


This is not a rant. Just some things I have noticed and I want to know if they are glitches or if I just need to L2P. I am human, I do not claim perfection. If there is some information I am missing, please inform me. Do not just say "L2P ur cl455 n00b!!11!11! trolololawlawal" And yes, I am attempting to sound as intelligent as possible. Also, my spelling sucks,



Frequently I score well above 2.5k damage as a kill move, yet I am not awarded the demolisher medal. I assume this a glitch, as it only happens when I score above 2.5k for a kill move. As a nod to my previously mentioned fallibility, one possibility is that since I am dual wielding, I see two numbers that look like a number above 2.5k


I think there should be more than 1 medal for solo kills, how bout a medal for 5 solo kills?


On huttball, I am not awarded the assassin medal if the person I killed was damaged by the obstacles. I seriously doubt this was a glitch, but it is kind of annoying. Speaking of, I dont think I have ever been more annoyed in my life than when I get an enemy to about 100 health then my ally goes "GHISHUD NEEDS MY HELP!!!" and steals my kill. Usually robbing me of quick draw and assassin. I think quick draw should stay as is, but I think assassin should change to "Did 95% of damage to an enemy player" That way, I cant just run up to someone w/ less than 100 health who just started healing and blast him. I have actually done this.



None of my CCs work on them. None of my knockbacks work on them. BTW, i have two of each, used all 4 in a row and im pretty sure he just pee'd himself laughing at me. Maybe glitch, maybe class skill, maybe both? Idk. Its just annoying. Not saying they should be nerfed, so dnt freak my tank friends. I like it when im on your side and your all invincible and stuff.

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Frequently I score well above 2.5k damage as a kill move, yet I am not awarded the demolisher medal. I assume this a glitch, as it only happens when I score above 2.5k for a kill move. As a nod to my previously mentioned fallibility, one possibility is that since I am dual wielding, I see two numbers that look like a number above 2.5k


Chances are the person you are using your executing move on doesn't have 2.5k HP. It has to actually do 2.5k damage, not just show a number on your screen for 2.5k.


Healing medals work the same way, over-healing doesn't count towards it.


On huttball, I am not awarded the assassin medal if the person I killed was damaged by the obstacles. I seriously doubt this was a glitch, but it is kind of annoying. Speaking of, I dont think I have ever been more annoyed in my life than when I get an enemy to about 100 health then my ally goes "GHISHUD NEEDS MY HELP!!!" and steals my kill. Usually robbing me of quick draw and assassin. I think quick draw should stay as is, but I think assassin should change to "Did 95% of damage to an enemy player" That way, I cant just run up to someone w/ less than 100 health who just started healing and blast him. I have actually done this.


Can't really help you there, that's just how it is. Try to pick off a healer or range on the side in big fights if you want that medal and can't find a decent 1v1. Most PvPer's are too herp derp in this game to target either of those.



None of my CCs work on them. None of my knockbacks work on them. BTW, i have two of each, used all 4 in a row and im pretty sure he just pee'd himself laughing at me. Maybe glitch, maybe class skill, maybe both? Idk. Its just annoying. Not saying they should be nerfed, so dnt freak my tank friends. I like it when im on your side and your all invincible and stuff.


Make sure to watch the resolve bar. It will make them immune to knockbacks as well, not just generalized CC. Also some Jugs will have a talent that makes them immune to all CC for 4 seconds after charging. If you see that someone is not getting CC'd right after they charge and they don't have a full resolve bar, just remember not to use one on them next time.

Edited by deltons
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