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I found a server.. That Republic Dominates Warzones.


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ive done about 25 Warzones since i got my Jugger to 50.


The 25 im talking about of these have been vs republic.



In the 2 days, Empire has won ZERO of them that i saw lol..



GG ;)


To bad Ilum is still dead.

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man same here i lost 10 in a row on fatman against republic the empire sucks on that server


And the Republic on that server is full of ******s. What a role-reversal!


I rolled Rep on it to do my part for faction balance and man what a bunch of ******es.

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I actually think that my server (Sanctum of the Exalted) is Republic heavy. We see a ton of same faction Huttball, we mostly dominate WZs (even PuG vs. Premade), and all the stories I hear from Empire players on other servers talking about how they basically have to troll around the middle of Illum for salvage and hope for the occasional, unsuspecting 1 or 2 players to come by to get ganked has been my situation since I hit 50.


It's really quite depressing, as I was looking forward to forming massive operations to go fight the Tyranny of the overpowering zerg which was the Empire. Turns out, we're the Tyrannical Zerg. It's not uncommon to have 40+ Republic trolling around Illum. Kind of sucks.

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