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Marauders in PvE


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I see a LOT of PvP related threads, but very few PvE related ones.


I've posted here before, but perhaps it was a bit too close to release to garner any useful information.


I'm curious if anyone has found a useful leveling build, and a useful end game build.


Also, does ANYONE AT ALL have ANY tips to help me avoid getting my *** handed to me by trash mobs or random encounters? I can't take on any significant groups of enemies without losing nearly all of my health, including groups of weak mobs, groups of standard mobs, ANY combination of Strong/Weak/Standard mobs, and let's just plain forget 2 or more Strong and higher mobs, because that's pretty much suicide right there.


Dunno how much complaining has been going on in the past month, but I feel as if I'm dying significantly more often than my friends who are playing other classes. I've read the "glass cannon" debate, and I've seen multiple threads in the past containing arguments about which spec to use, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to avoid constant death. I pretty much have to out level my class quests or be overleveled for planet quests by 1-2 levels to safely come out on top, and that is infuriating.


Anyway, rant's over. If you took the time to read this, any help would be much appreciated.

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Your defensive cooldowns - especially Cloak of Pain - are not o-**** buttons, they're to be used all the time and, for the most part, have more of an effect when used early on.


Use Quinn and keep his gear up to date, keep your gear up to date and, if you want as much defensive viability as you can, go Annihilation.


Use Charge/Kick, Smash/Pommel Strike on Normal/Weak mobs and always kill Weak/Normal mobs before Strongs.


If you're still having trouble ask about any specific instances you find yourself getting ****ed, tell us what you do and we can try to help.



Edit: Also, BioChem.

Edited by Kibaken
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Your defensive cooldowns - especially Cloak of Pain - are not o-**** buttons, they're to be used all the time and, for the most part, have more of an effect when used early on.


Use Quinn and keep his gear up to date, keep your gear up to date and, if you want as much defensive viability as you can, go Annihilation.


Use Charge/Kick, Smash/Pommel Strike on Normal/Weak mobs and always kill Weak/Normal mobs before Strongs.


If you're still having trouble ask about any specific instances you find yourself getting ****ed, tell us what you do and we can try to help.



Edit: Also, BioChem.


I've always got a handle on my defensive cooldowns, so that's not my issue. I haven't been using pommel strike, so I'll definitely give that a shot and see how it works. I'm starting to run out of room on my quick slots though, so I'm not sure if I am using abilities that don't need to be used in rage spec (which is what I currently am) or if I'm not correctly utilizing space.


I'm using Jaesa because (don't judge) I'm playing Light Side and I enjoy her reactions, and dialogue, and Quinn is mostly dark aligned. Doesn't affection have something to do with combat effectiveness? Quinn is at zero, while Jaesa and Vette are just over half.


Most of my trouble comes from trying to kill strong/standard mob group compositions. Anything with more than two Strong ranked mobs and I get killed very quickly, regardless of defensive cooldowns.

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Without any type of healing from a companion or annihilation dots, try preventing more damage using interrupts either immediately on channeled spells, or wait until near the end of a cast bar for a regular casted spell so the mob wastes more time on casting and less on hitting you. Also try throwing up an obfuscate soon after you pull. Intimidating roar works great too after a charge and smash on all the mobs. You can try having Jaesa off-tank a single mob while you are on the others, or send her in first.


Besides charge into savage kick, and smash into pommel strike, you can force scream and then pommel strike too.

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I'm using Jaesa because (don't judge) I'm playing Light Side and I enjoy her reactions, and dialogue, and Quinn is mostly dark aligned. Doesn't affection have something to do with combat effectiveness? Quinn is at zero, while Jaesa and Vette are just over half.


Affection is for craft skill effectiveness and storyline, not combat effectiveness.

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After 40, levelling as rage spec helped me out a lot. Get the lvl 40 pvp gear for you and Quinn then just go to town on groups of mobs. For groups of weak mobs try: Charge -> Crush -> switch target -> Battering Assault -> Smash, everything should be dead or 1 hit from dead. For groups with 1 strong and a few weak mobs try: Charge -> Choke -> Smash -> clean up weak mobs, then switch back to strong -> Crush -> rage builder -> Smash. For champion mobs, use similar tactics, just make sure you have cooldowns up.
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