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Extreme Respawning!


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Ok EA/Bioware, please turn down the respawn rate of mobs. It is great they have such a fast respawn rate, however it is a huge problem. When questing in an area that has you killing packs of mobs, I find myself attacking a mob in front of me only to have the mob I just killed respawning behind me and aggroing into the fight which usually leads to me dying. Also, if I dont get killed, I work into the quest area, get the items/kill the right number of mobs turn around to egress and find myself having to kill the very same mobs I just killed 2 minutes ago. This is great for grinding XP, but it quickly becomes a grind when this happens on every quest. A good example is on Marked Men on Alderaan, I am in the middle of fighting the elite mob, when the trash mobs I just killed 1 minute ago respawn and now I have 6 extra mobs in the fight which leads to another wipe. This is extreme respawning. Granted I dont want the respawn timer so slow I have to wait and wait for mobs to respawn (I know many people are questing and going for the same mobs as me, but there has to be a balance). In other MMO's, the respawn rate is tied into the number of players in the given area, so when many players are questing in the area, the respawn rate is faster to accomodate the demand, but slower when fewer people are in the area.



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1. When you attack mobs, don't attack them from right where you just killed 4 other mobs. Move closer, and don't kite them back.

2. Quick travel. It's only a 30 minute cooldown. Don't want to fight your way back out? Quick travel.

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I have played other MMO's and have been very successful in raiding, so I know about proper positioning, efficiency, etc.


I play a ranged class, so I need distance to play effectively. So its not a matter of kiting them back or staying in one place. I have not had mobs in any other MMO respawn at this rate. Bioware can alter the respawn rate based on player activity in the area.

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