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JC Companion QQ


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The companions for this class make me want to re-roll. They're just that bad. All except Qyzen. He's the only one that I feel compliments the JC.


Tharan is annoying. He hates the force so I really don't know why he wants to follow a Jedi around. His hologram girlfriend is creepy and I think he's bi-sexual.


Zenith is a jerk. He never was my friend on Balmorra and he didn't even want to travel with me on my ship in the first place. I feel like he's just waiting for the next big thing so he can ditch my team.


Lt. Iresso was ham-fisted in. The guy is utterly useless. He was pretty much a failed soldier. I don't know why I would want him on my ship eating my food. I'd rather blow him out of the airlock.


Finally, there's Nadia. What can I say about her? She's like a 14-year-old girl that I'm supposed to romance after I basically adopt her when her father dies. This companion makes me feel like a perv. I also hate the things she says when we're fighting.




I just had to vent and I'd like to know if people think differently than me. Is there anyone who absolutely loves the JC comps?

Edited by ratfanatic
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I must agree. You atleast like the lizard, I don't even like him.

I couldn't stand him kissing up to my WEAK so called master :p while giving me -affection for helping innocent kids.


I stopped playing my consular for a while, after the extremely boring class story.


I recently read that the class story might get slightly interesting later on, so I'm giving it a go again. I'm giving Lt. Iresso gifts (+NPC talk) because he's the only one my character can romanticise, but I'm using Tharan while fighting mobs.

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First of all I don't care how angry you are, be sure to hide your spoilers. No matter how minor.


Personally I never liked Qyzen. While he's not just some dumb animal, he is definitely an example of brawn > brain.


Theran is an interesting companion with a bit of a clever attitude. Also he does not hate the Force as you say, he simply does not like you using the Force to affect the minds of others (Force Persuade). There is in fact a difference between the two. He also has an interesting background in that he is something of a criminal and has an "out-for-himself" attitude, yet he also likes to help others out. He's like a smarter but less ****** Han Solo.


Zenith is something of a jerk it's true, but it makes sense considering his background. Now some of you may be thinking "Analyzing an NPC's attitudes and backgrounds like this is pretty geeky!!!", but really it's no different from analyzing characters in a book. I mean a videogame's job is to get us interested in what's going on, and I think Zenith does a good job of this. Not all our companions are super agreeable, happy-go-lucky guys that simply love bouncing around the galaxy on random missions. Some of them are only with us because they think we are their best chance to get what they want (similar to Ashara from the Inquisitor storyline).


Iresso is something of a ******, as far as MMO NPC's can be ******. He's generally a nice guy but he's not above punching you in the face when you're being an idiot.


No one forced you to romance Nadia. You could have just as easily gotten her affection up without falling in love with her and feeling like a "perv". You could just as easily have role-played being her adoptive father/mentor, so I don't see why you are complaining about her. If you wanted to stick with what is expected of a Jedi then you wouldn't want to be romancing anyone anyways. True it's not forbidden yet but it is still looked down upon.

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First of all I don't care how angry you are, be sure to hide your spoilers. No matter how minor.


Anyone reading the title of my thread will know that this is about JC companions. If someone doesn't want to know about their companions then they can not click on this thread.


A little common sense goes a long way.


Also he does not hate the Force as you say, he simply does not like you using the Force to affect the minds of others (Force Persuade).


You are wrong. He also doesn't like it when I heal people with the force or even discuss my faith in the force. He wants nothing to do with the force. His dislike goes far beyond force persuading people as you say.



No one forced you to romance Nadia.


I never said I romanced Nadia. She still tries to flirt with me in conversations. But it would be nice if my romancable companion was an adult and not a little girl. You know not everyone is going to want to play their character the same way as you. I'd think that someone who is talking about role-playing would understand that.

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First of all, spoilers are spoilers. It doesn't matter what common sense dictates. There are plenty of threads on the JC forums about JC topics that do not contain spoilers, and many that do. It is not the responsibility of the reader to guess whether or not there will be spoilers in any given thread. All you have to do is wrap any spoiler text in the

spoiler brackets[/spoiler]. It takes about 3 seconds. Or you could just put "Minor Spoilers" in the title. Tough stuff.


Tharan does not object to all uses of the Force. He actually gained affection points when during a cutscene on Alderaan in which the Force was used. He has also gained Force during the transition phase from Chapter 1 to Chapter 2 in which I used the Force to heal someone. Often times there are multiple choices when choosing to heal someone, make sure you weren't just choosing the healing option that included something else that Tharan dislikes.


You are right in that I assumed that you tried to romance Nadia, and for that I apologize. However it does not change the fact that her "flirtations" are usually minor and uncommon. I would also like to point out however that Nadia does not have to be as young as you seem to think she is. She uses the slim character model, but that does not limit her age in anyway. The only reason she traveled with her father is because she was viewed as a freak on her homeworld. I'm not saying she is an old woman, but she doesn't have to be some 18 year old kid. Also, a Jedi Master falling in love with his or her Padawan is not unheard of, and is not the same as a teacher falling in love with a student. This has already been discussed to death elsewhere and you can find further references on wookieepedia.


While I'm not saying our companions are as great as, say, a Jedi Knight's (able to romance a fellow Jedi, along with access to The Emperor's Wrath), or the Sith Warrior's psychotic Jaesa, but our companions are still far from horrid.

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What class has worse companions?


JC comps aren't even on par with other classes. It's at the bottom.


This might be getting a bit off-topic but the entire story fits with the sage archetype. Leaving the shadow builds feeling awkward when you're going around healing people all the time. I'm not going to debate whether or not the story is even interesting. But between the weak shadow story and bad companions it's just a double whammy for the class.

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Sith Inquisitor has only 2 good companions; Khem and Xalek. The male romance for Inq is a Jedi that cannot be converted to the Dark Side and the female romance is either a fairly bland ex-pirate or an old archeologist who is almost afraid of fighting.


Imperial Agents really only have SCORPIO and to a lesser extent Hyllis. The male romance is either the ugly *** Kaliyo or Temple, both of which are only really viable in solo play if you are a healing operative, so you won't even be running around with them.


Ultimately each person will see each companion in their own way, so "best and worst" companions are very hard to define, if they can be defined at all. Everything I have posted is my own opinion. You are of course entitled to your own opinions but don't expect them to be shared by everyone else.



As a Shadow you only heal people once or twice throughout the entire storyline. Chapter 1 does not involve healing people, it involves shielding them. There is a difference and it does not conflict with the Shadow's playstyle. However I will not argue with your allusion to the storyline overall being boring, because I would agree with that.


Also don't forget that once you hit 50 the storyline becomes irrelevant, at least until the next major content patch.

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The male romance for Inq is a Jedi that cannot be converted


Not according to what I've read.


As a Shadow you only heal people once or twice throughout the entire storyline.


Complete and utter BS. I was still healing people in Chapter 3.



But anyways... I'm just gonna stop now before I get an infraction for trashing this class.

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Ashara Zavros cannot be turned to the Dark Side. Jaesa Williams (Sith Warrior Jedi companion) can be turned, bu Ashara cannot. A little jaunt to the Inquisitor forums will tell you that.


I also invite you to show me more than two instances in which you actually use the Force to heal someone's wounds in a cutscene before you make blithe statements like that. I have a 50 Sage and a 47 Shadow, and on my Sage I have healed people maybe three times over the entire course of the storyline. As a Shadow I have not healed anyone.


And don't worry about "getting infractions", people have said far worse about far more irrelevant issues and the devs let it go. :)

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I think they have some problems, but some of what you mention gets sorted out as you go along. I've completed the main story for JC and have 4/5 of the companions at 10k. I'll try not to include open spoilers but I will be talking a little about my overall impressions.


My biggest impression is that none of the companions are particularly Jedi-like. They all have large and very obvious flaws, and the degree to which you can work with those flaws depends on your role-play or personal characterization and your personality.


For what it's worth, I went full by-the-book consular. We could negotiate out of anything, anyone could be redeemed and so on.


Qyzen never got much play once I got Theran, to be honest. He's sitting at about 5k. He has the stoicism of a consular but his bloodthirsty nature runs counter to my own. Trandos have their own place in the SW universe, and it's interesting to pair an ostensibly good character with one. I don't find him especially memorable but then I've only managed to get about halfway up the rep scale.


Theran: At the beginning, I was kind of bummed I couldn't romance him fully but as his story and mine went on, he made a better friend than partner and I kind like him and Holiday. I'm alone in this on this forum but I thought he was hilarious. He's an unusual choice for a Jedi, like having a hardcore atheist travel with an evangelical. I got negative after negative because I always went with the "The force guides..." answers but one positive undoes 20 negatives so it wasn't difficult to keep his rep moving up. It was fun when I paired with a friend of mine in some questing and let Theran handle heals. Every time we hit a conversation point I would dutifully state "Theran disapproves" over vent to my friend. It made me laugh.


Zenith: Now, if I am to be honest, this is probably the character my character should have romanced. If you follow his storyline he loosens up and learns to trust the consular. He never loses that armoured edge, but he's gruff and loyal. I wish they hadn't used the clipped no pronoun writing style for him because the voice actor doesn't quite pull it off, and it begins to become very noticeably annoying for me.


Irresso: Meh, this guy is water flavoured pudding. He makes bland look exciting. Even after getting full rep, he still doesn't stand out in any way for me. I romanced him just to clean out the courting tokens from my bank but the whole thing just felt icky. His storyline had potential but they dropped it too fast and it fizzled and he comes off as filler. Even when you romance him to full, if you randomly click on him he still tells you to Back Off or Watch It. Nice, buddy.


Nadia: My biggest problem is Nadia who plays like a bored 12 year old. I'm playing a female consular so romance was never on the table but the fact that if you so much as think the word Jedi her approval goes up 102 makes me lose interest in her. In one conversation, I gained nearly 1000 approval with her. That just comes off as creepy. She's far too emotional, she's far too hasty and impatient and she's really a terrible Jedi prospect. She gives in to her fear, she's insecure and always seeks approval and her "Unh, it hurrts" sounds like it was lifted from hentai. Even by the time you hit 10k she has not matured.


Long story short, in my playthrough Qyzen and Irresso never developed beyond a placeholder, Theran and Zenith were cool and Nadia should be sent packing. I'm hoping this is phase one and we'll see some more quests that start to develop and round out the companions.

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Ashara Zavros cannot be turned to the Dark Side. Jaesa Williams (Sith Warrior Jedi companion) can be turned, bu Ashara cannot. A little jaunt to the Inquisitor forums will tell you that.


I also invite you to show me more than two instances in which you actually use the Force to heal someone's wounds in a cutscene before you make blithe statements like that. I have a 50 Sage and a 47 Shadow, and on my Sage I have healed people maybe three times over the entire course of the storyline. As a Shadow I have not healed anyone.


And don't worry about "getting infractions", people have said far worse about far more irrelevant issues and the devs let it go. :)




I actually have an issue with that, hah. I levelled healing spec sage and it drove me nuts that people are bleeding to death in front of me and I LET IT HAPPEN! What the heck!? No, I'll leave you with your broken ribs and fetch a medic... or I could wave my hands and do it myself? Bah!

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Yeah it's kind of a shame that the 2 AC's for Consular are so incredibly different. Makes it hard to have a storyline that incorporates logical options for both. Other archetypes don't really run into this problem, but oh well.


And P.S.

I completely agree with you about Tharan, to be honest he is one of my favorite companions of any class.

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Theran so far is my favorite. He is also by far the most useful of all the JC companions. I always thought he would make an really good partner for a shadow.

Zenith is very cool...and probably the most "manly" of the JC crew. I'm surprised he is not a romance option, because in my opinion he is by far the most appealing. He kinda has the whole mysterious rebel thing going on.

I really like Qyzen too...but at the higher lvls he gets beaten up a bit too easy. Everyone calls him cold...but he's really a big softie. He's pretty sentimental. He hasn't had too many positive experiences with humans and not many friends so he values the ones he has.

Iresso? seriously...he's like a kid! I'd rather kiss the lizard ...ugh!

I kinda like Nadia...she reminds me a lot of Mako the BH starting companion. She is just a little bit less jaded and more sheltered. I think that makes her seem younger.


It bugs me that the JC has to wait so long for their romance options...when the JK gets theirs off the first planet and the choices are pathetic...both male and female partners are unappealing romanticly.


Where are the rugged smuggler and spitfire princess options...lol ?

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I Like Theran, he might be one of my favorite companions in the game, I think he's fun and I cracked up the first time I saw him using

Deploy Holiday, his cc ability.

I had no idea he would get something like that so I don't want to spoil it for anyone else.


But I understand the sentiment, I don't find the consular experience in general to be the most um, "invigorating".

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