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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Huttball Exploit?


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It is not an exploit. It never has been. It is part of the game, just like the republic can do the same thing. It has not been a big deal untill someone started complaining then suddenly all of you are screaming it is an exploit. Its not.


It's an exploit because the Devs obviously did not design it to work like that. The reason you die when pulled into an enemy spawn area is to prevent you from cheating. The death was obviously never intended to be a component of the WZ's tactics. It is designed to utterly prevent unfair play. Using it as a weapon is an exploit, and the fact that you cannot produce a link saying otherwise proves it.

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It's an exploit because the Devs obviously did not design it to work like that. The reason you die when pulled into an enemy spawn area is to prevent you from cheating. The death was obviously never intended to be a component of the WZ's tactics. It is designed to utterly prevent unfair play. Using it as a weapon is an exploit, and the fact that you cannot produce a link saying otherwise proves it.


Actually, this logically makes the most sense.


The instant death just doesn't seem like a mechanic of the actual Huttball game but a way of preventing an enemy from camping a spawn point. Believe it or not, when we are trying to cross the end zone, I don't usually have the time to look if anyone is up there, target them and then see if they're a tank class that can pull, and then decide to toss them the ball, while hoping they won't move so I don't get an incomplete pass.


Simple fix -- instant kill still works as intended and the spawn is safe from being camped, but crossing the line counts as a point... why wouldn't it? I don't see why any other way you cross the line is not cheating and gives you a point but if you get pulled across in this manner then you just die.


You cross the line, you score... simple as that. Let the enemy decide if one instant kill is worth being scored on.

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This particular thing is fine.


However what is not fine is full sorc/sage teams just Pulling the ball carrier around to the goal line.


You should be able to use it once on the ball carrier (if at all) then there is a cooldown of 1 minute, sort of like resolve.

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