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Deserter debuff


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50 pre-BM

50 BM


All of above separated into pre-made OK or PUG only (selectable option by player).


Introduce viewing the team roster *including their guild name!* of both sides before blindly pressing accept.


Introduce feature to reject games that have already started (lets say after about 1 min in).


Introduce feature to select the WZ type you want to play/not play.


We dont need debuffs... we DO need properly thought out systems however.

Edited by Miyuki
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50 pre-BM

50 BM


All of above separated into pre-made OK or PUG only (selectable option by player).


Introduce viewing the team roster *including their guild name!* of both sides before blindly pressing accept.


Introduce feature to reject games that have already started (lets say after about 1 min in).


Introduce feature to select the WZ type you want to play/not play.


We dont need debuffs... we DO need properly thought out systems however.


No, the 10-49 bracket is superb atm, very close matches and a chance to win even @ low levels despite the lack of abilities (have a level 18 IA).


Splitting up the 50 bracket would make Q's sooo much longer.

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I disagree completely about Q time. the Q time is for the most part completely artificial and is designed to be a time sink.


Just look at the number of people standing around the terms on stn at any given time... those are people most likely waiting for a Q. enough people to fill out 10 hutball matches (and this is rep... sith would be even faster to fill out).


As for your comment about brackets, it was an example. Play with the numbers all you want.. the effect is the same. Get people of similar gear/level/valor together for gg.

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