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Predict SWTOR's lifetime.


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Untill a better MMO rises? I'd say about 2-3 years. IF the "End of the world" will not happen, which will NOT happen like all the others failed to predict.


There will be no end of the world at 2012 (If it does, well then, Life was good)


On topic once more: minimum 2 years maximum 4-6 years tops. Technology constantly changes.

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Or it could run like everquest 18 expansions later & still running of sorts


Sony online entertainment is a joke! I'll never play another one of their games after the mess they made of Star Wars Galaxies. Not to mention I don't trust them with my personal info after they got the crap hacked out of them within the last year or two!


SWTor will probably be around a few years and (goddess forbid ) end up going free to play with a points based store like lotro.

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For me I'm already sick of this game, the worst and most unfair launch I've ever seen. Gonna play 1 months that I got from pre-order and thats it. Normally I like being part of a new game at the very first day, and now I saw plenty Lv 20+ already.


DUnno how this game will survive when other great games come out. But let's see.

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"SWTOR is the rain in a desert-- people only come to drink because its the only water around"-- Quote from CheezCG :eek:(some one had to say it):eek:


This. Ive been following SWTOR for a few years, but was always undecided. The only clincher for me pre-ordering was that i got in a few weekend betas and enjoyed it.


I don't know how long it will last for me because im really waiting and excited for GW2, but i will play SWTOR and enjoy it in the meantime.


And Bioware still wins because they get my money.

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There is no hope for this forum


Hm, you signed up Nov. 11,


posted a bunch of typical fan boy stuff,


think customers should have to go to third party sites to get information for a product,


apparently, "lolwut" is communication...good sign of the "TLDR" generation,


and are calling other users "stupid"...




I won't even waste my my time.

Edited by Tiaa
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you dont have that inside air about you. your a Gamer like the rest of us.


U dont know squat in other words. Hundreds of worlds come on plz i'd expect that in a 2011 MMO:D (not a SWTOR bash):p "but a word *Clash*"


From what I've gathered, your responses in this thread show you to be some kind of attention deprived adolescent whose only source of praise comes from the level up animation in the games you play.


Just a theory.

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2 years, sold to sony, sony redoes game structure to be more "action like"

Changes name to Starwars galaxies reloaded.


Cash shop added shortly after the purchase: vehicles and premium gear sold for cheap.


Goes free to play a year after, Lightsabers are now storebought and have better stats than anything in game.


Eventually they add gungans.


I take it you're a glass half empty kinda guy, eh?:)

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Hard one, but Im gonna wager at around 4-5 years, if all goes well.


are you kidding me....dude...james ohlen specifically stated they are going to have a team dedicated to this game forever and keep on adding more planets so it gets up to the hundreds and have guild ships and better space combat...are you on drugs?

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hahaha come on PEOPLE make up quotes or.....HELL SAY SOME QUOTES


Well, ok.


Originally Posted by battlebug on 12.02.2011

can you make sword in box light sword so sword come out when opened? then if sword is back after sword, use light saber on box, and saber will be boxed after sword is out.
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Can you name more than 5 MMOs that have been closed down in the past 10 years?


It will be around as long as there are people willing to pay for it and it remains profitable.


Here's 5 that got cancelled.


1. Tabula Rasa

2. The Chronicles of Spellborn

3. Auto Assault

4. Earth & Beyond

5. Asheron’s Call 2


We could also add a list of recent P2P to F2P MMOs since that's pretty much just one step away from being cancelled if the F2P model also fails:


1. DC Universe Online

2. Lord of the Rings Online

3. Aion

4. Age of Conan

5. Champions Online

6. Everquest II

7. Dungeons and Dragons Online


Personally I hope to hell that we don't see SWToR added to either of those lists.

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are you kidding me....dude...james ohlen specifically stated they are going to have a team dedicated to this game forever and keep on adding more planets so it gets up to the hundreds and have guild ships and better space combat...are you on drugs?


And he would pay the voice actors with candy and shoulderpads? :D


Face it, the game will loose over 60% of its population within a year due to old mechanics and the clone feeling of other mmo's and obviously to other mmo's comming out, and with less subs, less money in their pockets, which will make the development very limited and eventually go into maintaince mode.


And belive me EA wont do jack about "saving" anything.


As stated before from others: This is just a waterhole in a desert for many MMO'ers out there till GW2 comes out.


Game might stick around for 4 years, mostly in maintaince mode. After that theres lots of new ones out with fresh ideas which we havnt seen here.



Thats my 2 cents, enjoy the ride while it last.

Edited by valimirtepes
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As far as I'm concered, And I may be a bit of a "fan boi" I played SWTOR for 3 days, then went back to try the current "King" WoW. And I Wanted to shoot my self trying to play that game. Now this is comeing from a Leveling aspect. I don't know how SW: ToR end game will go. But if its Better than WoWs, This game could seriously Succede. Games Like WAR, and Rift, and Aion, They didnt Compare to WoW in my opinion when I played them, SW: ToR IMO is a different story. And To the guy that said theres no replay value. First 1-10 levels Theres 4 storys per Side, makeing 8 storys, Then You can either give "light" or "dark" responses for Different outcomes, then Thoes 4 Classes per side, each split by 2 to be 8 classes per side Each having its own story, Then you can Once again Choose "Light" and "dark" responses to change the outcome of the story. WHERE ARE YOU NOT SEEING REPLAY VALUE? If were talking about the Current "king" WoWs replay and pretty much MOST mmos, you basically follow the same story path. and you HAVE TO READ IT if you want to get the full expirience.


Bring on the "I SMELL FANBOI" comments.

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