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Can I prevent my character from hitting 50?


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I appreciate level headed responses. Thank you.



You want a level headed response? Ok. I am level 62 Valor Assassin. The grind for me to that Valor was tedious but in the end worth it. I was not someone who rushed to 50 but did so in a lower amount of time then normal (2-3 weeks from the 15th of Dec.)


did I take my fair share of deaths and live at the GY from those who were geared and I wasn't? Oh yea. Did it suck? Sure it does. However, this is the case in pretty much every game.



This game doesn't take very long to get gear even with the RNG of the bags. I hit Valor 50 right when I turned 50 and even grinding from Valor 50-60 I was fully geared out Champion before I hit 60. This is even with me getting multiple pieces of the same gear from my bags (Which yes is very frustrating).


Currently I have quit a few pieces of my Battlemaster set but still need a few more as well. I still have a problem with the RNG of the bags but to be honest of it was easy I would be one of these people who run through content fast and then claiming I am bored to death as most people do in ALL games.

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When you play 10-49 warzones, you know you've contributed to the game immensely, and it's a much fairer fights, with no leet gear dragging you down.


Ever seen 3 players lvl 50 , bashing another 50 with godly gear and still unable to take him down? I was one of the weak 3, and I tell ya, it sucks dead dogs balls.


Of course if you are wearing godly gear, you'll be saying..." deal with it!"

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before i hit 50, at level 49 in WZs i was stomping all the lowbie lvl 15-30s. so, yeah, if you just want to bash weaker players then stay under 50 for a long time. 50 is much more challenging and fun if you put in the time and gradually upgrade your gear. even without great gear, you can help your team win. and that is all that maters, is helping your team win.


problem seems to be, the people complaining about lvl 50 only think about killing or being killed or about how much damage they do or dont do and not about being a team.

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no you cant thankfully.


too many people are scared to enter 50s pvp.

they think they are the good pvpers because exp isnt a real factor but whats really funny is how its really that they refuse to take the time to actually gear up their characters like some of us do.


in all honesty if you do not find it fun then level up to 50 and just log on that toon to do your dailys and weeklys to try to get the gear. its really not that hard the only stupid part is having to hope that you get the piece you need or any piece at all.


really its not as bad as people cry saying it is.

stay with your team and generally you do fine.

we have undergeared lvl 50s on my teams all the time but they never complain when we win 90% of our games.

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I'd love to see an MMO re-introduce an actual grind. People would flip a lid.


"Wait... so in order to get to Hoth at level 37, I need to go sit in a line of people in Dromund Kass to wait for a mob that only spawns once every 4 hours, and every person in that line is someone I will desperately need to have help me later on if I want to hit level 40? So I will have to wait my place in line for 32 hours over the weekend before I can start grinding again.... and then when I get the weapon, I will have to grind mobs for 5 days... of played time... to hit level 38?"


Oh yeah, but you forgot that if you make a single mistake during that point and die, you'll lose half a level worth of EXP, and if you die killing the mob to get your weapon, you'll have to grind for another 3 days of played time just to get back to that point to try again. Oh, and there's a chance the server will crash, the mob won't let you loot the weapon or someone doing another quest in the area will accidentally kite other enemies over and kill you and everyone else in line.




I'm not actually calling for a return to Everquest, but when people talk about "community" and "grinds", realize the "push button receive loot" mentality of MMOs like WoW causes problems too. It's one thing to call for forced stat balance in an MMO (something like GW2 wants to effectively do) it's quite another to say that any MMO where you get gear is a grind.




SWTOR gives you PVP gear for PVP-ing. MMOs that were actually a grind required you to do absolutely ridiculous, time-consuming things that tooks days, even weeks, of played time, just to get a single piece of gear upgrade.

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