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Jedi Sentinel: Straight from Wookiepedia (need moar CC reduction)


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"Sentinels were so few in number, they had no superior title like the Sage and Warrior Masters of the other two branches; instead focusing on the variety of different techniques needed to be successful as a Sentinel. Known for practicing more specialized Force-techniques, a form of Force Immunity was favored amongst those in this class. Crossing Force-based training with increased mental conditioning, this ability allowed them to better withstand outside mental influences, including Force-based attacks."


And yet.... :confused:


Where's all the "withstanding" of mental influence?

Where's Force Immunity?

Where's ANY decent mitigation/resistance/CC reduction when every other class gets all 3?


Hell, where's the cream fillin'?

Edited by rakuenCallisto
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Or you could be awesome, and, you know, include Force Immunity.


But seriously - how much better would Sent be in game if they included this ability. Maybe a channeled ability (can't interrupt) where you have a meditation bubble around you for "x" amount of time that gives invulnerability. This would greatly increase the shortcomings of the sent and would surely help them with getting into the fray without completely blowing up in PvP.


Like most people have mentioned by now, The SECOND an Imp sees 2 lightsabers fire up in PVP - you get cluster ****ed, stunned, rooted, pushed back, stunned again and focused RIGHT away. This would greatly help the Sents with being focused into oblivion, especially since we're so squish as it is, we can't last very long in PvP unless with a pocket heal or be extremely careful.


They made the "Sent" lore in KOTOR - why can't they just stick to their own creation and apply WHAT the sent is SUPPOSED to be into the actual game? I mean it's not like this is comic cannon or movies - they made sents in the last mmo!


Just gimme some gaddamn' CC reduction/moar CC plz BW.

Edited by rakuenCallisto
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The other thing that bothers me is Bastila Shan mastered and revived the ability Force Meditation, a very trademark ability for her that should be a textbook ability for Sents.


I mean - she is a Jedi Master whom your direct storyline is involved with. ***.


Need. Moar. CC reduction/Defensive abilities (that work).

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The thing is I doubt Bioware and Lucas Arts go to Wookipedia when making game design decisions. This class is kinda bad though.


My point is it's not like Lucas wasn't involved with creating KOTOR.


They made the sentinel, AND THE DESCRIPTION/LORE of the sent in KOTOR.


Sooooo why are they so effing different?


It almost feels like Sents were the last class created, thrown together real quick to appease the double saber nerds (me included).

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Sages kick my Sorc *** al day in battleground and twice I fought one toe to toe in the world pvp scenario to eat dirt..


Yea I know learn to play right....






I might just re-roll for now and try out something else. The thing is, I really love Jedi and want to use sabers (I've already got a Shadow).


I just want to play a ****** Jedi Knight, that doesn't have a gimped advanced class.


As of now though - that doesn't seem doable.

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It's not nearly that bad. Some of it though is not relying on cannon and lore to make the class for you.


Jedi Guardian is pretty solid IMO, certainly easier to handle than my Sentinel.


Struggling through the issues I've got a playstyle around Sentinel that's allowing me to improve steadily in PvP, but if yo're waiting for the class to get fixed, no one is going to give you a definite timeline. I think eventually there is going to be some sort of tweak, but I really doubt they're going to uproot the entire class.


In some sort of expansion I could see a set of skills released per class that would do these things, in base form, it's a long shot asking for complete overhauls.

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What lvls are your Guardian/Sent? Just curious because I was thinking of rolling guardian and had heard even MORE bad things about it then sent.


I loved Paladin/Off tank classes in other MMOs so Guardian appealed to me. Once I heard all the QQ and how it's PvE was horrendous - i decided to go sent.


Not quite sure if I made the right decision :T (20+ lvls ago).

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My point is it's not like Lucas wasn't involved with creating KOTOR.


They made the sentinel, AND THE DESCRIPTION/LORE of the sent in KOTOR.


Sooooo why are they so effing different?


It almost feels like Sents were the last class created, thrown together real quick to appease the double saber nerds (me included).


Lucas allows people to create a LOT for him. A lot of what you think is SW was created by somebody other than Lucas himself.


Luke and Leia being brother/sister....not even Lucas' idea. And so forth.


He probably had little to no exposure to Kotor (but LucasArts did review everything).

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What lvls are your Guardian/Sent? Just curious because I was thinking of rolling guardian and had heard even MORE bad things about it then sent.


I loved Paladin/Off tank classes in other MMOs so Guardian appealed to me. Once I heard all the QQ and how it's PvE was horrendous - i decided to go sent.


Not quite sure if I made the right decision :T (20+ lvls ago).


Heard the opposite. Guardians sound way better to me than Sentinels.


I'm a lvl 41 Sentinel. I will play a Juggernant eventually. Some day.

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Pretty sure they just picked a name and didn't look at that sort of fluff.


Sentinel and Guardian....they kinda mean the same thing even. The name of this advanced class is kinda a fail.


Sentinels = nobody we've seen in the movies, they were monks among the Jedi throughout the lore and they were associated with only really using the force to block others from using it against them. Think of it as a "force shield".


Guardians = Standard Jedi Knights that were tasked with fighting in wartime among the Republic troops. They were basically just "normal" Jedi, nothing special about them before BioWare made them an AC.


It's sad really...

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