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My biggest complaint in SWtOR


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apparently you are just ignoring my posts, or just missing the point. it is against the TOS to use offensive language like that. whether you find it offensive or not, that kind of language is deemed offensive and should be reported/stopped if possible. that is why it is against the TOS to use such language.


The OP should not have to turn off his chat box and miss out on chatting with people he likes because some people feel the need to use such offensive language.




If the op has never used offensive language in their gaming life I would agree. However the chances of that being true are slim, I think its the pot calling the kettle black.

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Obvious troll, if he really has played every MMO to hit the market as he states, then he should be more than used to people talking smack by now....:rod_tongue_p:


Usually the game sorts itself out and the jerks will be treated as such....as jerks. I mean who would want to group up with a loud mouth trash talker anyway? In most MMOs I've played these kids usually fizzle out and go away or are literally driven away or into silence.


For example, in any instanced PvP match in any MMO, I NEVER heal the loud mouths and encourage others to do the same. If they're in my guild, I get them booted. If they're trolling in general chat, I encourage the community to gang up on 'em....etc etc, let the game sort itself out, it's called karma.


Smack talking is one thing but the racism and homophobia is ridiculous. I played UO-WoW and yes you would have rude people and the occasional person like this but not this many.

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If the op has never used offensive language in their gaming life I would agree. However the chances of that being true are slim, I think its the pot calling the kettle black.


that is not the point. if he used offensive language, he should be reported too.


language doesn't generally offend me, but it does occasionally. if it does, i'll report the person. I've used offensive language before as well and have been reported for it, as I should have been. Doesn't mean people should be able to say whatever they want without consequence.


and telling the OP/offended to 'grow up', 'grow a pair' (Edgarallanpwn) isn't the answer either. people who think that way are just ignorant and should read up on US/World history. Then maybe they'd understand why some language is offensive to some people.

Edited by Cmdluke
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I have also reported many of folks but I get the canned response of "We are looking into it but can't tell you the outcome due to privacy issues". Yet I see the same people that I have reported running around doing the same thing they were reported for.


I still don't understand how people are defending the people doing this. It is just easier to point the finger at me and say I am to blame or entitled. I should have to change because of people who are violating ToS? Where is the logic in that?


You start banning folks and making examples of them and people will take your ToS more seriously.

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" I would also have to spend a fair amount of time keeping an ignore list up to date. It should not fall on me to have to take on extra steps to avoid this."



Op is lazy and wants someone to do all the work for them. BW gave great tools to combat this problem and the op doesn't want to use them.


Entitled is a fine word.


I should have read more of the OP. I don't agree 100%, but I can see your point of view now. But since it is the internet, I think it's protocol to keep arguing anyway.

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people who think that way are just ignorant and should read up on US/World history. Then maybe they'd understand why some language is offensive to some people.



First calling people ignorant about having a view point about an issue makes you seem like you're better then everyone. Just saying, not helping the cause.


Can you give me an example of what US/World history has anything to do with the issue at hand? (which is the op being lazy and not wanting to ignore and report people he is offend by)

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First calling people ignorant about having a view point about an issue makes you seem like you're better then everyone. Just saying, not helping the cause.


Can you give me an example of what US/World history has anything to do with the issue at hand? (which is the op being lazy and not wanting to ignore and report people he is offend by)


I was merely commenting on the posts telling the OP to 'grow up' and 'grow a pair' and 'thin-skinned'.


it has nothing to do with whether or not the OP chooses to take advantage of the tools he has been given.

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Im a troll, and I LOVE YOU TEARS!!!


will troll harder in game now because of this


lol, this is why the OP shouldn't make posts of this nature ^^


Trolling, smack talk, "dirty" language, etc etc are just ways for the insecure to express their rage at how small their junk is, if anything, you should feel sorry for the poor saps, they're probably beaten by their moms and bullied at school lol.


MMOs kinda remind me of recess back in school, elementary school more to the point, fact is this will never change, regardless of how many you report/ignore, etc, more will pour in, it's the nature of the beast, if you can't handle it, go play a single player game.


Not saying it's right or wrong, just that it won't change, especially if you guys just cry about it.

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Freedom of speech, if people want to be racists, homophobes, sexists, hypocrits or bigots then just let them. It there choice, and if you dont like it they shouldnt change there entire behaviour for the sake of a few people who dont like it.


JonnyDurp...learn to spell ffs...it's their, not "there", at least look somewhat competent when trying to make a point...:rolleyes:

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Freedom of speech, if people want to be racists, homophobes, sexists, hypocrits or bigots then just let them. It there choice, and if you dont like it they shouldnt change there entire behaviour for the sake of a few people who dont like it.


yeah, except for the fact that they agreed to the TOS which prohibits the use of this kind of offensive language. If they want to use Bioware's software, they are bound by the TOS that they agreed to, whether they read it or not.

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I retract my last statement then. I was under the impression you had read the op. :cool:


I'm at work, so I sometimes skim instead of read a bit too much.


Freedom of speech, if people want to be racists, homophobes, sexists, hypocrits or bigots then just let them. It there choice, and if you dont like it they shouldnt change there entire behaviour for the sake of a few people who dont like it.


The TOS supercedes Freedom of speech in a sense.

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Freedom of speech, if people want to be racists, homophobes, sexists, hypocrits or bigots then just let them. It there choice, and if you dont like it they shouldnt change there entire behaviour for the sake of a few people who dont like it.


Freedom of speech does not exist in game, or on these forums. You have to agree to a TOS to play/chat/post, and the TOS limits your speech.

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When you clicked accept on the ToS, you gave up your freedom of speech in this game.


Being "thin skinned" or "needing to grow a pair" is not the case. This is not 1950. Your logic here makes no sense. Clearly I am the one with the problem because I am not a racist or a bigot. :rolleyes:

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