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Better with Rapid Scan


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After 43 levels of DPS leveling, I was feeling a change up in the works, so I geared Blizz and respecced to Bodyguard. I was somewhat taken aback that all the heals had CD longer than the GCD...but though, "Oh well, maybe it's just a quirk of the Merc healing tree."


I went around Voss, healing Blizz through multiple elite pulls and bosses, then healed my way through Red Reaper with no wipes...twice.


Then, as I was checking my skills, I found one that wasn't on my hotbar. Rapid Scan. I had been healing for 2 whole levels without the bread and butter Merc heal.


Morale of the story: Before level cap, you can heal through content just fine with Rapid Shots and juggling Healing Scan/Emergency Scan CDs.


But really? How did I not realize I was missing a whole spell?!

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And ALSO isn't it odd that the one called "rapid" has a longer cast time than the one called "healing?" You'd think that someone would have swapped the name for them way back in beta...

It makes every single merc healer scratch his head once he gets healing scan.

It's like a rite of passage.

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