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So sad


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Hi there!


Star Wars old republic is a great mmo.


But when you reach lvl 50 its all about the vendor pvp pve items.


Crafting/questing items is inferior to pvp, pve vendor.

The commedation systems on each planet is nice.

But you shouldnt have put em out for end game pve and pvp.


To build up a strong community is to make crafting worth while along with.

Top gear in the game should be crafting items combined with a some pvp gear, pve gear some flashpoint end bosses drops, datacrons space missions, lightside darkside points.

In order to optain top end gear in swtor you should craft, explore the game,pve,pvp,light/darkside,social points..


At the start of the game only operations should reward set items.


But you took away(exploration) that from us by setting up vendors so people just can play some pvp and get the best gear in a few weeks.

Gear progretion is noneexitance in the game thanks to the currance system.


Its feels like you didnt think this thru. Putting up vendors and all that takes away alot of the mystic and lore of a game that has just started.

We want to explore the game combine crafting, pve, pvp , light side darkside social points rewards and (holocrons).

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I'm guessing english isn't your first language, if so, you did well. But it's "Through" not "thru" :)


And agreed on the gearing progression. Normal modes are so easy, you can do them in fresh 50 gear and get some really nice epics. Thus, skipping every single hardmode. :(


PVP gear distribution is just a joke. I don't want RNG in my grinding experience, that's only in raiding. PVP should be "Here's 50 tokens for winning! Save up and you'll be able to get a piece of gear!" not "Here's 50 tokens! Save up and buy a bag that will give you a CHANCE to get a piece of gear"


Armstech is good, if you reverse engineer the stuff to death. The barrels are USELESS though, which really made me mad. :mad:

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Since you seem to be new to this:

Its not the first nor the last MMO that uses tokens for gear.


Its not really a vendor, just an NPC who trades your tokens for gear.


Just wanted to say I loved your sig link. lol I rerolled to pubs last night and hitting pvp that is totally how i felt coming from imp 50 bracket >.<

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Since you seem to be new to this:

Its not the first nor the last MMO that uses tokens for gear.


Its not really a vendor, just an NPC who trades your tokens for gear.


I know I played alot of mmos I started with Anarchy online. They can put in alot of vendor ***** but first of let us explore the game, like OH this boss drops the best lightsaber or juggernaut chest, I need that so i can *** pwn in warzones or whatever you get the point.

Edited by Plizkin
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I really like pvp I gor a 50 commando champion full set, but they killed the the exploration whit the game with just putting up some pvp/pve vendors and thats it it dosent feel like an mmo. Its just like a free item mall mmo...

But I guess alot of you are used to vendor item just because you grew up with wow.

Edited by Plizkin
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