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Optimiced Values due to diminishing returns


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I just hit level 50 not one week ago and am juggling with my stats. Due to diminishing returns I aim (no, not the stat ^^ ) for the best values for my money - so to speak.


My priority -- aside from the obvious -- for the secondary stats so far lies with Critical Rating and Surge. As a combat specced Sentinel I hit often and thus want to crit as often as possible too. But at which value is putting more points into these stats such a small benefit that it is nearly useless?


My second concern is Accuracy which should be at least 100 % to hit every time we attack. Every percent point above 100 goes against the target's defence. Up until which value does it make sence to reduce the target's defence percentwise?


With higher Alacrity I got the impression that some of my abilities are effectively channeled faster. Is that also right with GCD? Can we manipulate via Alacrity how fast we attack over all or just for some abilities?


What are your thoughts regarding Power?


Any different takes on the stats?


And as a side note: The ability Riposte states "does not repect the global cooldown". Admitadely I don't use Riposte very often if at all. My thought is if Riposte is on the same keybind as another ability does it fire if available if I hit that key? Which might count for every ability with said statement then.


Thanks for any help and input.

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You are right about combat prioritizing Crit and Surge first. Once you reach about 400 crit and 300 surge, you can then start with power. Alacrity is completely useless to Jedi Knight, avoid it at all cost. Accuracy needs to be at +5% to avoid basic debuffs and still hit 100%.


You need to find the posts from MBH about this in the power vs crit thread.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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The good thing about power is it increase your bonus damage but unlike crit and some of the other secondary stats, it appears to add linearly, meaning that you'll get the same amount of benefit from the 500th point put into it that you do the first, unlike others like crit which are on a logarithmic scale so hit diminishing returns.


Personally even for a Combat spec'ed Sentinel I would still encourage power before crit, if for nothing else but your primary stats also attribute to your crit rating - so as you increase strength you'll increase crit.


I'm stacking power and accuracy totally except for in my sabers since tracking down anything except +Crit crystals is tough, although the enhancements are my typical power/accuracy pieces.

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You are right about combat prioritizing Crit and Surge first. Once you reach about 400 crit and 300 surge, you can then start with power. Alacrity is completely useless to Jedi Knight, avoid it at all cost. Accuracy needs to be at +5% to avoid basic debuffs and still hit 100%.


You need to find the posts from MBH about this in the power vs crit thread.


Who is MBH?

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In my opinion, Crit should rank last for Combat. Why waste all of our attacks on potentially big damage when you can stack power and make even Ataro procs hit like a truck?


As Combat, I stack Power and Surge - the latter due to Immaculate Force, the talent which causes Blade Storm to auto-crit during Combat Trance. With just a splash of crit-rating from the few non-moddable pieces I have, I still have an unbuffed crit rate of about 22%, almost 400 bonus damage, and 70-some% surge. I'm still seeing crits about four or five hits, and my Blade Storm is huge.

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In my opinion, Crit should rank last for Combat. Why waste all of our attacks on potentially big damage when you can stack power and make even Ataro procs hit like a truck?


As Combat, I stack Power and Surge - the latter due to Immaculate Force, the talent which causes Blade Storm to auto-crit during Combat Trance. With just a splash of crit-rating from the few non-moddable pieces I have, I still have an unbuffed crit rate of about 22%, almost 400 bonus damage, and 70-some% surge. I'm still seeing crits about four or five hits, and my Blade Storm is huge.


This is just silly. You want your Blade Rush spam to crit as much as possible. Any Sentinel (no matter what spec) needs to have at least 350 crit rating (don't go over 400, try to to be at 375). 22% is a bit on the low side.


Either way, when you start getting Columi/Rakata, the gear will take care of your stats anyway. You're going to have to replace those ungoldy +acc mods with crit/surge/power ones, but that's all you really need to do as far as stat juggling goes. I'm at 98.1% (108.1%) acc right now with 0 points in Steadfast.

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Giving a fixed value for crit rating is a bit silly without considering strength.. There will be a roughly 5-6% difference in crit between someone with 1800 strength compared to someone with 1000.

Aiming at a percentage is generally the way to go, and that would be roughly 25% imo.

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Giving a fixed value for crit rating is a bit silly without considering strength.. There will be a roughly 5-6% difference in crit between someone with 1800 strength compared to someone with 1000.

Aiming at a percentage is generally the way to go, and that would be roughly 25% imo.


I disagree. You want as much crit as possible without hitting the DR wall too much. Str will always contribute to crit, but if you're sitting at 300 crit rating and you have enough str to be at 25%, you still need to stack that crit to about 350. I think I'm at 28% crit right now with little to no waste due to DR (I don't have my exact numbers at hand as I'm at work).

Edited by PantsOn
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Giving a fixed value for crit rating is a bit silly [...] Aiming at a percentage is generally the way to go ...


Your understanding of the diminishing returns model is inverted.


Using the % is retarded because of the exact reason you describe. The diminishing conversion from [stat] to crit% is calculated separately for strength and for crit rating.

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Crit from strength suffers from DR in exact the same way as from crit rating. It will contribute to the DR you get from crit rating. If you have 1000 strength, adding 100 crit rating will give you more percentage than if you have 1800.

It is not like the additional crit you get from talents which is basically additive.

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Crit from strength suffers from DR in exact the same way as from crit rating. It will contribute to the DR you get from crit rating. If you have 1000 strength, adding 100 crit rating will give you more percentage than if you have 1800.

It is not like the additional crit you get from talents which is basically additive.


They don't share the DR, man.

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Fair enough, I shall bow to you guys on that one.


The reason I think/thought that is that I could not get to crit equations form sith warrior to fit my actual values from my gear. Colour me embaressed at my error...

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Fair enough, I shall bow to you guys on that one.


The reason I think/thought that is that I could not get to crit equations form sith warrior to fit my actual values from my gear. Colour me embaressed at my error...


Oh well, you might be right in that case, man. I don't know. I'm going to keep my crit rating around 350-370 just in case though. :D

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