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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Benefits of Engineering


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I used Engineering while levelling and respecced to MM at ~level 40. I've been thinking about engineering again, but what are the benefits of this spec at level 50? I mostly pvp but do the occasional HM too. People say MM sucks because most of the damage can be mitigated, but with engineering the only abilities I can think of that are different are explosive probe and interrogation probe. They both have long cooldowns and don't really do that much damage so I'm not sure if it's worth it. Plasma probe is okay for defending things in PVP I suppose. I don't know if it's worth losing things like 1.5sec ambush.


What's the reason people prefer engineering? Just wondering if I'm overlooking something.

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I wouldnt recommend engineering tbh as a pvp tree. It has its bonuses like better shield an 18 second snare if you put points in, but the 31 point talents too situational for my liking. You can rack up decent numbers with it, but I'd still suggest you give leathality a go.
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Engineering is more durable and better at controlling objectives because of ticking AoE (that doesn't go away when you die) and theoratically constant slow. Marksman damage being migitated through deflect/absorb/etc is a somewhat inflated argument since marksman does tons of single target damage (a lot higher than other trees in my opinion) so it can afford the occasional negation. It is noticable because marksman snipers usually end up using channelled shots (no matter how you spec) and seeing a big fat DODGE after casting for 1.5 seconds is extremely annoying.


In conclusion, both builds contribute to PvP through the fact that "they kill everything". Marksman does more "they kill everything" compared to engineer, which has more utility and durability.

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