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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Can we get a queue option that is solo queue only?


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This is more to support the casual pvpers (e.g. the bulk of employed subscribers).


I'm kind of tired of always being on a lopsided team one way or the other. I'd say over 3/4 of my matches go 6-0 in Huttball and its really only slightly more fun to win for the first 3 matches.


It's my opinion that this is the result of over-geared pre-mades that people in the solo queue can't realistically compete against.


I realize the response from some will be "well make your own pre-mades" but I'm not playing for pvp, my preference is raiding.


The tragedy of this for me is when pvp was originally set up so everyone was in a single overall queue my win/loss record was closer to 50/50 and I was having more fun because I actually had to compete to win (or trying made sense because I had a chance to win). For the first time in any mmo (and there has been a lot of them over the years) I actually looked forward to pvp. Now it isn't run anymore.


So as a solution, I propose making it so pre-mades only get to fight other pre-mades. The "pros" can have their serious pvp and the rest of us can play matches that go back and forth. Everyone gets to have fun their own way, no one gets an unrealistic advantage. No more me going 15 strait wins one day because I'm synched up with a 4 BM group when I queue, no more 15 strait losses when I'm lined up against them the next.


The only other alternatives I can think of is balancing based off gear levels (which would be painfully complicated to program) or eliminating the group queue option entirely (which seems unfair to those that want to pvp with their friends).


Edit: Eye speel guud.

Edited by Sildadar
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No they should make a real matchmaking like in LoL. If you win often you will play against enemies which also win often and so you get a good balance.



That could never happen until they merge all servers for pvp. The queues would be ridiculous. However forcing premades to play other premades would simply make them stop making premades. Their queue times would go up and they would start queuing solo or not at all. Either way is a win for the majority.

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No they should make a real matchmaking like in LoL. If you win often you will play against enemies which also win often and so you get a good balance.


I agree with this in principle however I'm mindful that it's easier to make adjustments to a system using pre-existing mechanics. When rated pvp comes out that solves the problem of competitive matches for pre-made groups, but doesn't help the more casual pvpers.

Edited by Sildadar
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You should keep in mind that some people just like to queue with their friends (simply to get into the same battleground) who don't necessarily have any more skill or coordination than your average random. Not everyone who queues up as anything but solo is a fully coordinated gank squad on ventrilo.
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You should keep in mind that some people just like to queue with their friends (simply to get into the same battleground) who don't necessarily have any more skill or coordination than your average random. Not everyone who queues up as anything but solo is a fully coordinated gank squad on ventrilo.



That may be but the majority who are joining together are not doing it for this reason. they are doing it for easy faceroll wins against pugs.

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You should keep in mind that some people just like to queue with their friends (simply to get into the same battleground) who don't necessarily have any more skill or coordination than your average random. Not everyone who queues up as anything but solo is a fully coordinated gank squad on ventrilo.


Your point is well made but if your example groups of friends were common you wouldn't have lopsided matches so frequently. And again, when the rated pvp system is eventually instituted it resolves that problem for your example pre-made.


My focus here is on casual but competitive pvp for individuals.

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So you have a 50/50 shot at playing with or against a PM.


You want to get rid of PM's because somehow its unfair, yet to the people that enjoy playing with friends need to suffer?


Yea, makes sense.

Edited by Humankeg
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So you have a 50/50 shot at playing with or against a PM.


You want to get rid of PM's because somehow its unfair, yet to the people that enjoy playing with friends need to suffer?


Yea, makes sense.


Don't respond if you didn't read it chuckles.


The point isn't to get rid of pre-mades, just to allow people that don't want to deal with them one way or the other to work around them. You know, give them a choice?


So yea, you're right, it does make sense.

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What would happen is premades would all do a count down on voice chat queue solo and wind up in the same wz.


That assumes the teams are filled in an analog fashion. If they are filled in an alternating fashion that doesn't work. I'm assuming it's alternating since the mechanics exist to make people play a lot of Huttball on servers that are Imp heavy but I'll admit that's just an assumption.

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That assumes the teams are filled in an analog fashion. If they are filled in an alternating fashion that doesn't work. I'm assuming it's alternating since the mechanics exist to make people play a lot of Huttball on servers that are Imp heavy but I'll admit that's just an assumption.


Regardless, we'd need cross server warzones first. Both to get fast queues for pugs and premades and to keep sync queuing premades out of the pug queues, there needs to be a large enough pool of players.

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Don't respond if you didn't read it chuckles.


The point isn't to get rid of pre-mades, just to allow people that don't want to deal with them one way or the other to work around them. You know, give them a choice?


So yea, you're right, it does make sense.


Why should anyone have to work around a pm? If the odds are 50/50 that you will end up playing with one or against one, then it is balanced. So again, it doesn't make sense Chuckles :rolleyes:

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Why should anyone have to work around a pm? If the odds are 50/50 that you will end up playing with one or against one, then it is balanced. So again, it doesn't make sense Chuckles :rolleyes:


Translation: I want to faceroll solo players. I dont want to face other premades cause I dont really want competition/Id lose.

Edited by Flowerslayer
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I have a lvl 50 sniper and I've partly stalled his PvP career. Majority of my PvP matches were losses and I thought the problem was me (I was doing everything I can, protecting my ball carrier, punishing their ball carrier, attacking together with team mates instead of blindly charging in, picking squishier targets to eliminate first, etc).


It wasn't until I started PvP with my lvl 19 alt that I realised I was hitting a constant wall of premades with my sniper. On my alt my win lose ratio is closer to 50/50 (perhaps wins are a bit higher, haven't played enough games to tell). Now I just hope premades do not find out about 1-49 bracket.

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I don't want this to turn into a pre-made hate thread. It's not. I enjoy a good pre-made too... I go in with my guild and most of us are 500+ expertise. It's not about pre-mades being good or bad, it's about the lack of fun that comes with always winning or losing by a lot.


The most fun I have in Huttball comes from the tie matches that time out and the team holding the ball wins.


Someone brought up cross server to drop queue times and I think that's a great idea. It helps ensure you can queue a group in a reasonable amount of time so they're not punished for group queue and still makes the solo only queue option viable for people that just want more even matches.


Make the groups fill in a one goes to this team, next goes to that team and you can't really coordinate queuing effectively.


As a consumer this is an attractive option for me. I don't need to win every match, a close loss is more fun than a 3 minute roflstomp win.

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