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full bm mara


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always ALWAYS use Rupture before Annihiliate because Annihilate has 50% chance to finish the CD of Rupture


so if you have no rage it's Battering Assault, Deadly Saber, Rupture then Assault and annihilte and if you're lucky rupture right after.


If you open with Force Charge then you won't even need Assault but i like to keep force charge to instantly recover from knockbacks and to disrupt, it always depends on the situation though.


Anyway, Deadly Saber and Rupture are the 2 first abilities you should land no matter what.


Only if you spec it, and rupture is weak anyway. The above poster says he/she breaks 300k occasionally which is similar to my experience.

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Only if you spec it, and rupture is weak anyway. The above poster says he/she breaks 300k occasionally which is similar to my experience.


Yeah why would you spec on something that finish the cd of one of the two abilities that your whole tree is based on.


ffs dude.

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Yeah why would you spec on something that finish the cd of one of the two abilities that your whole tree is based on.


ffs dude.


Because you are spending 3 pts to reduce the cooldown on a weak move? With another move that has a 16 second cd?

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i have a level 24 mercenary, i have 2 knock backs and a stun and a second stun for 60 seconds in pve. Looking forward to getting a ranged snare. I'm putting up the same dmg in warzones as my level 50 who is 3 piece BM and the rest champion (valor 62). I don't even have the talent that vents heat on crits and i can tracer/railshot all day. If anyone does come close tiger uppercut does just as more much dmg then any marauder ability except annihilate or a 4 tick smash in rage, and knocks ppl back and is available ANYTIME with a super short cd. Pretty rediculous that it does the same dmg as a 5 rage consuming annihilate.


Seriously, I hate to be the of my word is fact guy, but if you don't agree with this you have never played other classes with the same enthusiasm that you'd play your marauder with. You will never experience knocking 4 ppl of a bridge with an aoe knockback, knocking a 5th off with uppercut, then killing a 6th in voidstar with a marauder; something I have done on my merc.


And why good sir are you comparing the 1-49 bracket to the 50?

And for that matter playing ranged in the 1-49 bracket is BS cause most classes dont have the skills needed to avoid you or catch you or wtv.


You clearly do not like Marauder and that is not a problem.

Not everyone has to have fun playing the same class and thank God for that.

You can be damn sure when people are playing in premade groups marauder destroys.

Give us a pocket healer + our defensive cd's and you will see Marauders true potential.

Yes warrior classes have always been like this.


Play solo and your ok/inferior. Play premade and you suddenly feel like a God.

Edited by SmokingGoose
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And why good sir are you comparing the 1-49 bracket to the 50?

And for that matter playing ranged in the 1-49 bracket is BS cause most classes dont have the skills needed to avoid you or catch you or wtv.


You clearly do not like Marauder and that is not a problem.

Not everyone has to have fun playing the same class and thank God for that.

You can be damn sure when people are playing in premade groups marauder destroys.

Give us a pocket healer + our defensive cd's and you will see Marauders true potential.

Yes warrior classes have always been like this.


Play solo and your ok/inferior. Play premade and you suddenly feel like a God.


Thats the point that a lot of you are missing completly, with a healer and a premade we are deadly, going in solo we simply get destroyed.


Now change your class to a ranged like BH or Sorc and you'll be putting up the numbers your Marauder puts up in a premade but playing solo... We lack some of the fundenmental tools that every other class gets - gee they even buffed Jugg due to lack of mobility when it was Marauder (we don't get the intervene ability) who actually suffered the most.


We have no knockback, we have 1 aoe stun and 1 channeled stun that any good team simply interupts and it usually ends with us standing there with our hand in the air looking foolish. All the defensive cooldowns in the world don't help you when you can't affectively control more than 1 of the opposite team (every other arch-type can)

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It is extremely true about the medals and damage. On my 15 powertech i can get ALMOST 200k damage, but i will pull in 10 medals and die much less often and suffer MUCH less frustration from ability delay or abilities not going off/working properly. Do I think playing my mara takes more skill than my lowbie alt powertech, without question. But it does beg an interesting question.


People talk about how we have an increased learning curve, but that can also mean we just are all around more difficult to play and therefore, are (in general) a worse class. This is NOT QQ I really like my mara but come on, being everyones number one favourite target is tough. If you blow saber ward, cloak of pain and then camo out after taking too much heat you will be almost dead, then undying rage if you cant make it away or to another target unnoticed, be prepared to die fast with no cool downs.


My point is, if we play a more difficult class and most people playing are casual players, wont that translate to a class that needs love? If i can have more fun (usually) on my lowbie powertech and do better in everything except damage, isnt there maybe an issue here?


On a side not, even questing against mobs, 4 weak units, same level, one use of death from above kills them all, i will take 0 damage. Try doing that with your mara, or better yet, facing 2 strong, youll mara will get torn apart, powertech will laugh, and may be able to kite them both if melee.


I know TL DR.

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And why good sir are you comparing the 1-49 bracket to the 50?

And for that matter playing ranged in the 1-49 bracket is BS cause most classes dont have the skills needed to avoid you or catch you or wtv.


You clearly do not like Marauder and that is not a problem.

Not everyone has to have fun playing the same class and thank God for that.

You can be damn sure when people are playing in premade groups marauder destroys.

Give us a pocket healer + our defensive cd's and you will see Marauders true potential.

Yes warrior classes have always been like this.


Play solo and your ok/inferior. Play premade and you suddenly feel like a God.



Kind sir, I love my marauder and post this information with the intent that enough ppl will validate my experience with their own and changes will be made to this class for the benefit of all.


I believe your argument is flawed stating most classes don't have the skills because My level 23 will grow also, granting more skills including a ranged snare.


I play in many premades on my marauder and my bounty hunter friend consistantly breaks 500k dmg in the same group as I, we are equally geared and skilled.

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On a side not, even questing against mobs, 4 weak units, same level, one use of death from above kills them all, i will take 0 damage. Try doing that with your mara, or better yet, facing 2 strong, youll mara will get torn apart, powertech will laugh, and may be able to kite them both if melee.


I know TL DR.



The first time I did that to a group of 4 mobs I was like :eek: My merc is lev 23 or 24 and has only died once and It's because I got a bit carried away :p

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