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couple of ideas


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Just wanted to add my 2cents worth :D

sorry if these things have been brought up already.



PLZ bring in more playable races and not just human races,bring in some crazy looking aliens for us to use maybe even droids,ive seen some cool aliens id like to play in game already.



Moddable endgame gear.

im loving the moddable gear just becuse i can find a look i like and not b stuck looking like every1 else and from what ive read(im only 46) the endgame gear can not b modded or u cant remove the mods(somthing like that)so were all going to end up having all sorcerers looking same and same for the other classes(correct me if im wrong)



Add more companions to the game,i know their class specfic and u can only have 5 but what about companions that can replace the companions u already have that can b found out in the wildness from missions.Have missions spawn at a random location and random times,maybe even a random world drop.



More options if u choose to go light or dark,maybe new combat ablitys.

One time only Faction change option if ur full darkside as republic or lightside as empire,that COULD even out faction imbalance.I only rolled empire because i like the look of their races and their ablitys r cool, i wanted a shocking sorcerer (haha get it..shocking :D )



Promote more world pvp not just in illum,on all contested planets.Maybe have a daily mission to go attack a random enemy base or defend ur own base but of course the guards lvl would have to b lowered to the planets lvl so players on that planet can get into the base.



reduce phasing on contested planets,i ran around tatooine the other day for like 3 hours looking for ppl to annoy and i think i only found 2 or 3



Id like to see pvp space combat,now that would b sick.

Leave the space combat how it is now to level up ur ship and for ppl who like it but remove the on rails just for pvp space combat.

Have areas on the galactic map that are pvp zones kinda like outlaws den on tatooine and have space combat WZs.

You could expand on that and interduce a planet that is rich with resorces(crafting nodes,quests,flashpoints) that both sides have to fight to control it for the day(like tol barad/wintergrasp) it starts in space where the attacking side has to destroy a space station while the defenders defend it and if the attackers win the space combat the battle moves to the planet until the planet is either won or lost.

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i'll respond to the lightside darkside


just because you are a darkside republic player DOES NOT MEAN YOU LIKE THE EMPIRE!


just because you are a lightside empire player DOES NOT MEAN YOU LIKE THE REPUBLIC!


a dark republic player will cause harm to innocents to accomplish the mission.

a lightside empire player will try to stabilize the empire instead of having fighting from within so that they can gain all the power and then rule it with a stable government

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